The Power of Quiet

“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)


Recently, my emotions got the best of me. I was more than a little frustrated. But very quickly, my spirit yanked me up by the collar and said, “Reel that in…” and I did. A short time later, my husband and I drove an hour to our son’s basketball game. I didn’t talk on the way.

At first, I suspected he might think something was wrong with me and say something. But he didn’t. We were just quiet.

I intentionally put my phone away while we drove and looked out the window instead.


No conversation. No re-hashing events in my mind or aloud. Just quiet.

“He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul…” (Psalm 23:2-3).

When we arrived at the basketball game, the referees were almost 30 minutes late. I remained quiet.

As the game began, this always-loud-cheering-mom continued to be quiet and observe.

Was I mad? No, not at all.

Was I making a statement? No, not even trying.

Was I unusually out of character? Yes, probably.

But I learned something. “Quiet time” doesn’t have to be in my favorite chair at 5:30am in the morning with a cup of coffee and my Bible. “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).

To be still means to to remain in place or at rest, free from turbulence or commotion; peaceful, tranquil, calm, quiet.

There’s power in quieting our soul (our mind, will, and emotions). It takes great discipline and must be purposeful. In other words, it rarely happens on its own, which is why the Apostle Paul said, “I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate” (Romans 7:15).

I think when we keep the volume of our emotions turned up, this is the outcome… doing what we hate (and will regret later).

But the power in quieting our soul and resting in the peace and presence of God for a few minutes to a few hours, is “no regret.” I am pretty certain my husband and I would have had a war of words on the drive if I had allowed my emotions to spew. Not because we had anything to fight about, but because that’s what happens when we are ruled by anything other than our spirit.


Strife, chaos, and turbulence are all the opposite of quiet, and have the opposite outcome.

But a God-conscious-heart will recognize the difference and take the path less traveled (the quiet one).

I haven’t always chosen this wisely. In the past, I’ve even been quiet out of spite… to make a statement without words. But that demeanor accomplishes nothing.

Quieting ourselves in the midst of a storm includes quieting the nagging thoughts that would try to rage in our mind although our mouth and body language say nothing. If we allow these thoughts to continue talking (and maybe even screaming) in our head, a volcano is on a count-down to destruction.

But if instead, we will purposefully quiet our minds, the Holy Spirit will bring clarity through the power of peace. “Peace that passes all understanding, guarding our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).

I hope this encourages you to find some quiet time.


Father, thank you for the reminder to rest in you. Help me resist the temptation to fuel my flesh with uncensored emotion. Thank you Holy Spirit for reminding me to keep the center of my heart always focused on Jesus, my Peace and Redeemer.

Daphne Delay is an author, blogger, speaker, and podcaster with a passion to help everyone see themselves in Christ.