Author, Speaker, Lover of Righteousness


What began as an encounter with God in front of a mirror launched a mandate- and Mirror Ministries with Daphne Delay was born over 20 years ago.

from the blog

When I say the word dimensions, what do you think of? Without looking it up, my first thought was a memory of my grandmother measuring out a pattern for a new sewing project. And then I thought about needing a new podcast desk in my office and how I had to measure the space to make sure I bought one ...

*20th Anniversary Edition

Finding a Self to Live With

See yourself as God sees you. Find out who you are despite what you’ve been through.

Strategies for Living Victoriously

Every move, every decision, every act of obedience, has an outcome which determines our victory or defeat.

Unlocking Truth in the Life of Job

The story of the man who challenged God: the man God originally called blameless. But was he?

Revelation Secrets in the Quiet Place

365 daily devotions to help position you away from all distractions.

*NOW available on the Kindle app!
I actually heard someone talking about value recently. Apparently a professor was challenging his students to guess the value of a rare gem and one after another, guesses from very high to medium were suggested but the professor just kept shaking his head no. 

And then one student said, “It seems to me, the value is based on what someone is willing to pay.”


Isn’t that what happens at an auction? Values jump through the roof simply because one person saw GREAT value in what another tried to get cheap, the value and price were set by the one who SAW the value.

“For you know that you were redeemed from your empty way of life inherited from your ancestors, not with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ…” (1 Peter 1:18-19).

Peter Louis said, “God saw it fit to spend the blood of Jesus on you.” 

There is no commodity greater than the precious blood of Jesus! So what does that say about YOUR value?

A lot.
It’s okay to not know everything.

The enemy likes to bait us with what-ifs. Thoughts of “how come this happened” or “why didn’t I see that coming” are a real trap. 

I think it’s good to ask the Holy Spirit to show us if we missed something— but God isn’t the author of guilt or regret or condemnation. The Bible says there are hidden things, reserved for God alone. We’re not going to know everything. 

But we can know a lot.

The “revealed things” are important. They’re meant to carry us, to help us stand strong and tall, and as Habakkuk said, “To run with vision.”

Paul said, “Eye has not seen nor ear heard the things God has prepared for those who love Him. But God HAS revealed them to us by His Spirit” (1 Corinthians 2:9-10). In other words, God HAS revealed His love for us. He has made His presence known. He has given us so many breadcrumbs to find Him. 

And these are the things we must cling to and run with.

Hinds’ feet on high places! Keep your eyes on the Lord. #shorts

Tell Him all about it! And leave it there. #shorts #cares #concerns #peace

God absolutely could have done that! But there was a reason he didn’t. #shorts #goodfriday