Do I Want To Be Transparent?

“Is it about me? Or is it about them?”

“Or is it about me being transparent to help them?”

This was part of my conversation with the Lord this morning. As a writer, I want to help people. And because of that, I’m very aware of trends in writing and blogging and what the industry says is popular or necessary to reach masses of people.

Jesus told parables. The industry says to tell stories.

I get that. I scan through headlines every day and realize I am only stopped by a good title. Then if I begin to read it, I’m only kept by a good story or a out-of-the-gate clincher that keeps me reading.

So I asked the Lord this morning: “Is my blogging about me? Or is it about them?”

And then my answer came in the form of another ah-hah question (one that I have always known and been open to):

“Or is it about me being transparent to help them?”

I remember one time, several years ago, when my sister said to me, “Daphne, they’d never know that junk if you didn’t tell them.”

She was right of course, but then how was I going to help people if they didn’t know I’d been right where they were standing at one time. And what’s the point of going through something if you’re not ever willing to help someone else avoid the same pitfalls?

I don’t think my sister still thinks that way, but I know some of you do –about your own junk.

The Bible says, “My hope is in you, so may goodness and honesty guard me” (Psalm 25:21). There’s no fear when we understand that being open, authentic, and transparent actually sets a guard around us.

Think about this:

  1. Fear is not from God
  2. When we fear, it’s because the enemy is trying to hinder us
  3. The only reason the enemy would try to put fear in our heart is because he knows power is available to us

So when we’re afraid to be transparent, that’s a sure sign there’s a victory on the other side of it!

BUT… Like you, I’ve been hurt when someone used my honesty against me. And sadly, if I let it, the pain of being honest can stop me from ever being transparent again… until I remember two things:

  1. The devil’s a liar
  2. My honesty will help someone (including me)

“Having put on the new man, which according to God is created in truthful righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:24). Truth is a part of our righteousness. When we withhold the truth–in any way–we’re actually veering away from our identity in Christ. Mother Teresa once said:

Honesty and transparency makes you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway.”

So, if I’m honest, it’s to help you. And personally, that’s how I like it.

Daphne Delay is an author, blogger, speaker, and podcaster with a passion to help everyone see themselves in Christ.