How Many of Us are Like This Man?

I recently read through the story of the man by the pool of Bethesda. It’s an account I have pondered before; an interesting story about a man who had suffered with an infirmity for 38 years when Jesus found him.

We aren’t told what his infirmity was, but I can’t help but think about the condition I was in when Jesus found me. I was 21 years old… does that mean I had an “infirmity” for 21 years? Possibly. My infirmity was separation from God. And with that all kinds of other horrible things attached itself to me.

So I have compassion for this man, whether his infirmity was a physical ailment (which the scriptures indicate) or a something else.

But here’s what I know (and why this story intrigues me): it seems Jesus is only able to heal those who have faith in Him, yet this man, if we simply go by what he said, didn’t seem to have any faith at all. Let me show you:

“When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had already been in that condition a long time, He said to him, ‘Do you want to be made well?’ The sick man answered Him, ‘Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Rise, take up your bed and walk.’ And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked” (John 5:6-9).

When Jesus asked him if he wanted to be made well, he didn’t say yes. Instead, he explained why he wasn’t well. But Jesus healed him still.

I believe it’s because Jesus “saw” faith –despite the man’s words.

Remember, when the four crazy friends brought their paralyzed brother to Jesus and had to break through the roof to get to Him? The Bible says He “saw their faith” (Luke 5:20). They didn’t say anything to Jesus, but their actions demonstrated what they believed.

And we read in Matthew 13:58 that Jesus could “do no mighty works there because of their unbelief.” In other words, the scriptures are clear that faith must be present (in some form or another) for the supernatural to occur.

So going back to our story, I am touched by the compassion of Jesus. I believe the man by the pool had faith. But I also believe he thought he had to DO something to receive God’s favor. But our sweet Savior saw the man’s faith and that’s all He needed to work with.

So I ask you, how many of us are like this man?

We have faith. But we believe there must be something more we’re supposed to be doing to earn or deserve what we are believing for.

I’ve been guilty of this at times. It’s not that I want to say, “Look what my faith did,” but more from a grateful heart for all God has already done for me, I’m guilty of thinking, “Surely there’s something I can do so I won’t appear too greedy in my asking.” But where is that scripture? How did we come up with this crazy thinking? 

You can’t find a place where Jesus said, “You’ve asked enough. Now go sit down.” 

No. Instead, this story helps us understand the great love and compassion of Jesus. The beauty is this: Despite our tendency to feel like we need to do something deserving, Jesus sees our faith and that’s all He needs to work with.

If you’re prone to feeling like you need to DO something to receive an answer to your prayers, I hope you’ll stop and rest today. I want you to know God sees your faith. Let Him do the work. And if you still feel like you want to do something… just give Him thanks.

Daphne Delay is an author, blogger, speaker, and podcaster with a passion to help everyone see themselves in Christ.