I’m Done Chasing Feelings

When you think about it, emotions are an interesting attribute of our human make-up. God saw it fit to equip us with these feelings that influence our behavior. Emotions cause us to laugh, cry, yell, and sigh. They produce giggles, sobs, joy, and peace. And as I’m sure you know, some emotions are attached to sin, and yet God uses the emotion of conviction to get our attention and steer us right.

As I thought about the complexity of emotions, my spirit said, “It’s called living.”

And as frustrated as my emotions have made me at times, I can honestly say I wouldn’t want to live without them. What would life be without emotion? This thought immediately makes me think of robots operating on a predestined and controlled path of never-ending monotonies. That, my friend, is not what God has called us to or created us for…

Emotions are God’s design. But as one of the verses in the song, Spirit Lead Me, by Influence Music and Michael Ketterer says: I’m done chasing feelings.

Paul said his speech and preaching weren’t always with persuasive words of human wisdom, but by demonstration, they stirred “in the minds of my hearers the most holy emotions and thus persuading them of the power of God (1 Corinthians 2:4-5, AMP). Isn’t that interesting? God used “holy emotions” to convince people of His existence, His love, and His power to save. 

It seems God, in His infinite wisdom and creation, formed us with the capacity to feel so we could DECIDE.

One of my favorite scriptures says, “Then God’s peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7, GWT). Other translations say “minds” instead of emotions, but I like how the God’s Word Translation makes this connection because of the promise that God will guard our heart from being broken (that’s an emotion) and our mind from being troubled (another emotion). Either way, He is our help.

So although emotions can create heartbreak and despair, the same can create vision, excitement, and enthusiastic joy “unspeakable and full of glory” (1 Peter 1:8)! What I’m trying to convey is that emotions are from God and are part of living this God-led life — but we should never chase feelings.

It’s true that we need to guard against negative emotion. Proverbs says it best: “A fool expresses all his emotions, but a wise person controls them” (29:11). I’ve been a fool at times. But in retrospect (and without excuse), I realize God has used my feelings to teach me many things. Some feelings (and situations) I never want to live again, but I can honestly say I’m a better person on this side of those learning curves.

The goal is to fully LIVE the life God has created for us—emotions and all. He designed us this way. But especially that we may experience the holy emotion of His love and allow it to guide us. 

To fully live is to fully dream.

The Bible says God gives us the desires of our heart —meaning He’s the One who placed them there in the first place. “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give [place in] you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; Trust also in Him; and He shall bring [them] to pass” (Psalms 37:4-5).

But life can interrupt our dreams sometimes. I mean, the wheels were turning, your heart was beating wildly with anticipation, and the vision was coming in faster than you could write it down… and then one day, you found yourself wondering what happened?

I think this scenario is pretty relatable to most people. But sadly, it’s also a playground for the enemy. When the thoughts (and feelings) of “what happened” begin to come, so do thoughts (and feelings) of guilt, unworthiness, and disappointment.

And I’m done chasing feelings like that.

I hope you are too. I hope you pursue all the holy emotions of God’s love but never fall in the trap of feelings that lead you away from His truth, His presence, or His peace.

Daphne Delay is an author, blogger, speaker, and podcaster with a passion to help everyone see themselves in Christ.