Are You Tired?

Do you have things in your life that were once exciting that now feel like a chore? Maybe it’s your job, or your studies, or (God forbid) your marriage.

My point is, we should never be led by how we “feel.”

I’ve wrestled with weariness myself, but I have to remember my flesh is simply being tested. Why else do we have scriptures like: “Press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14), unless we’re actually supposed to do what it says and press.

There will be days when you and I have to put forth real effort to reach our goals. And one thing is for sure… our goals will never be reached just by wishing. A ministry friend of mine said something that will help us: “Faith comes by hearing and faith leaves by not hearing.”

Another way to think about this: If Heaven seems quiet, it may be because your next instruction will follow your next obedient action. In other words, if we’re only listening to our feelings, we will be led astray. If we listen to the voice of doubt (from friends, relatives, or even in our own thoughts), we’ll slow our pace or worse, quit altogether.

Too many times, instead of getting something new in prayer, we’re really just asking God to repeat Himself because we’ve gotten weary in the journey. But God doesn’t operate that way. “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). If God has to repeat every instruction He’s given us, then where’s faith?

The good news is, the moment you push past your negative feelings and do what God is asking, He will honor your act of faith with healthy, positive feelings. The truth is, feelings aren’t all bad– but they should always be a reward, not a direction.

It’s kind of a shame that are modern greeting is, “How are you doing/feeling?” –this is the complete opposite of faith. But on the other hand, I suppose it can be used as an opportunity to activate authentic faith.

When I’m feeling the pressures of life, One of my favorite go-to scriptures is 2 Thessalonians 3:13, which says, “But as for you brethren, do not grow weary in doing good.” I read this as a command, not a suggestion. The emphasis is the word don’t. In other words, don’t give in; don’t fall for the temptation! Life will pull you in every direction possible but you DON’T have to let weariness drag you under the bus.

And I’ll add: it might help to view weariness as the enemy himself. As Paul said, “Don’t give the [devil] an opportunity to manipulate you” (Ephesians 4:27, TPT).

So I’m challenging us all today to push toward the goal despite how we feel. What I’ve learned is that the reward is always on the other side of our faith.

Daphne Delay is an author, blogger, speaker, and podcaster with a passion to help everyone see themselves in Christ.