

At Mirror Ministries, my mission is to empower and support men and women struggling with self-esteem by sharing powerful, understanding, and compassionate teachings from the Bible to help them grow in confidence.


It is my desire to help others see themselves through the lens of Christ, embracing their true identity and worth. I hope to guide people in overcoming the pain of their past, empowering them to step into a future filled with healing and restoration. Through this ministry, I aspire to help individuals live with confidence and peace, knowing they are deeply loved and valued by their Creator.


I can still vividly remember…

the morning I was standing in front of my mirror, I heard God tell me to look closer.

I always say I don’t know if you would’ve heard it if you were there with me, but I knew it was God.

As I looked, fully expecting to find something wrong (again), I heard God say, “Look closer. Look into your eyes.” As I did, I suddenly had a glimpse into the heart of a girl who was greatly ashamed– someone who wished they could make things right, but she couldn’t.

That’s when God said to me, “Tell her you love her and you forgive her.”

It never dawned on me that God wasn’t the one holding me in contempt. Daphne just didn’t like Daphne.

But in desperation for freedom, and through many tears, I forgave myself. And from that day forward I’ve been on a journey with God (a mission really) to tell others what I have learned about our righteousness in Christ.

My greatest desire to help people grow spiritually; to discover the same freedom I have found.

I understand what unworthiness, guilt, and condemnation can do to a believer.

After this encounter, God began to speak to me about righteousness. I didn’t understand that word, much less the wealth of benefits contained within it. But my heart was hungry to know God’s Word and with each revelation, I was strengthened with Truth. It didn’t happen overnight, but I was transformed from an insecure, always-seeking-to-please-others girl to a confident lover of Jesus, His Word, His Spirit, and His righteousness.

Through the years, God surprised me with a calling to teach and minister His Word to others in a simple and easy-to-grasp-and-apply approach. It was birthed out of a sincere desire to help others find the same freedom I had found. More specifically, what God put on my heart to share with others is the message of righteousness (that BIG sounding Bible word that summed up what He revealed to me in my mirror). I learned that what I originally thought was a “Daphne” problem is actually a “believer” problem.

So that’s what I do: I write, I speak, and I mentor others so they can take these same truths and walk in freedom themselves.

“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ.”
2 Corinthians 5:21

Meet my family!

Being a wife, mom, and “Mami” to my grandkids is a great joy. My husband Tod and I have been married for over 30 years. God called us to Seminole, Texas, in 1999 to pastor  Transformation Church and it’s been one of the greatest blessings of our life– next to our kids! All of them are in the ministry and I’m so grateful as I watch them reveal Jesus to this generation!

left-to-right: Benjamin & Tya Delay (and kids Roman & Nova), Daphne & Tod  Delay, Christopher & Gabi Delay (and son Jadon), Emily & Derek Premenko (and son Milo)