Don’t Fall For That Junk

But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. (James 1:14)


It’s easy to read this scripture and think of tempting desires such as adultery, pornography, addictions, and so forth. But let’s not get hasty in that assumption.

Satan is the author of all temptations. In fact, the word enticed here means to bait. It is the exact phrase used to describe Satan’s deception of eve to beguile (entice) her, and watch this, through false reasoning.

Now consider desires that can tempt us to be drawn away from Truth:

» “I wish I was more attractive.”
» “I wish I was more popular.”
» “I wish I had his/her [_fill-in-the-blank_].”

Do you see what I mean? Satan recognizes your insecurities and uses them against you by baiting you through tempting thoughts. “Then, when desire is conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death” (James 1:15). In other words, once the devil accesses your thought life through condescending lies to belittle you, the door is wide open for him to tempt you, entice you, bait you, through negative action.

And you already know what the next trick is, right? Condemnation. Once you act outside of who God created you to be, Satan pours on the guilt and shame.


I’m here to remind you: DON’T FALL FOR THAT JUNK. You are precious and important to God. Keep feeding on His Word. Let the Holy Spirit talk to you:

» “You are attractive, amazing, and a beautiful design of God’s love.”
» “You are loved by Heaven and don’t need the world’s approval.”
» “You have unique giftings. God did good when He made you!”

Don’t be enticed by lies from the enemy. Remember, as a believer, you are the righteousness of God in Christ!


Father, thank you for loving me and helping me to see myself in Your eyes. When I’m tempted to believe a lie from the enemy, Holy Spirit speak truth to my heart. Help me reject the lies and accept Your Truth. Amen.

Daphne Delay is an author, blogger, speaker, and podcaster with a passion to help everyone see themselves in Christ.