
God sees them.

In 2018, God opened a big door for my books to get into prisons. I received a letter from a woman who had been incarcerated for over 12 years. She had been given a copy of Facing the Mirror by a friend of mine in prison ministry. She said that of all the material she had read, this book helped her find forgiveness and hope.
I was then invited to go into the prison with their team, where I got to meet inmates and take cases of books to give away. Not only was my heart deeply touched by this encounter, but letters began to pour in from inmates requesting books. 

AND IN 2020, GOD SAID: “Give 10,000 books to inmates.”

On June 21, 2023, we reached that goal– and we’re not stopping!

God wants people to be free. Those incarcerated didn’t receive the right tools before they ended up on a road God never intended for any of us to travel. This ministry may not be able to free them outwardly, but through the message of righteousness, we can help free them inwardly.

If someone you love is incarcerated, we want to be a blessing to you in this way.

To request a FREE copy of Daphne’s books for an inmate, please fill out the form below.

Your information will not be sent with the book. This is for our records only. Please allow a minimum of 1-2 weeks for your request to be delivered. Also, since each facility has different regulations, there are sometimes additional delays after the book arrives at the prison. In addition, please know that with each book request, our team prays specifically for your loved one. We believe God has crossed our paths on purpose and we stand with you in agreement for their healing, wholeness, and release!

Free copies are for inmates only. If you would like a book for yourself, please visit the shop.

Request books for an inmate:

You could be a partner.

The greatest need of Mirror Ministries is maintaining book inventory. We receive inmate book requests from all over Texas every week. And chaplains that offer our books through their chapel have said they could take as many as we can send (some units have as many as 1,000 inmates per week visit the chapel for spiritual help). 

I’d love partner with you!

$10 monthly
Helps provide 1 set of books to a prison inmate

$50 monthly
Helps provide book sets to 6-8 inmates

$25 monthly
Helps provide 3 sets of books to prison inmates

$100 monthly
Helps multiply our reach to chaplains & rehabs

Help send Daphne to minister around the world