Because the Days are Evil

“…because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16). These words were written by the Apostle Paul to the church in Ephesus almost two thousand years ago. If it was true then, it is even more true today.

But thankfully, it wasn’t just a simple observation. God gave Paul clear instructions for the church as to how to navigate successfully through evil times. In fact, there are five specific things that will help us. Paul said, “See than that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16).

  1. (Verse 17) Do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Remember this: The Word of God is the Will of God. Much of the reason behind the struggles people face today is a lack of knowledge of God’s Word. The Bible is very clear about Satan’s best weapon against the church is their own lack of knowledge (or ignorance). To navigate well in these evil days, we must know God’s Word.
  2. (Verse 18) Don’t be drunk with wine, instead be filled with the Spirit. There is a counterfeit for everything. Satan has zero originality. And why should he? He’s been pretty successful at duping God’s kids with imitations. Every believing child of God has been given the Holy Spirit as their helper at salvation. But to be filled with the Spirit insinuates continual motion. In fact, the original language says, “Be being filled…” Just like I can’t live on one sandwich a week, Christians can’t survive on one encounter with God. We need continual re-filling, and God has made that easy for us through the Holy Spirit if we’ll tap into it.
  3. (Verse 19) Make melody in your heart to the Lord. People fail to realize the power of music and what they’re listening to on a regular basis. When King Saul was tormented with a distressing spirit, he found relief when David worshipped the Lord. In other words, it completely reversed the effect of the oppression and depression he was fighting. The same is true for us today. The days are evil and it’s not unusual to feel the stress of it. But when we intentionally worship God and surround ourselves with that which will fill our heart with His praise, we are strengthened for battle.
  4. (Verse 20) Giving thanks always. I hate to be blunt, but much of our generation is ungrateful. But this is also why being thankful can be so powerful. It opens the door for God to move mightily in our lives! The days may be evil but God is not. He is good and His mercy endures forever (something to be grateful for). He has saved us and set our feet on a rock and established our steps (something to be grateful for). He will never leave us and He’s always as near as a whisper (more to be grateful for). I’m a firm believer there is never a reason to be ungrateful.
  5. (Verse 21) Submitting to one another in the fear of God. Last but not least, in order to overcome in these last days, we must operate in love. In other words, because we love God, we have the capability to love and respect God’s people. And I’m referring to all people. I don’t have to agree with everyone, but there’s never a reason for me to return evil for evil. How can I claim to be a disciple of Jesus if I disrespect someone God sent His Son to save?

So remember, God has not left us without help. But it’s up to you and I to be wise and follow His way of doing things— because the days are certainly evil.

Daphne Delay is an author, blogger, speaker, and podcaster with a passion to help everyone see themselves in Christ.