Being Flexible is Not Wavering

How many of you have been excited about a dream …only to have life happen?

I mean, the wheels were turning, your heart was beating wildly with anticipation, and the vision was coming in faster than you could write it down –and then one day, you found yourself wondering what happened?

I think this scenario is pretty relatable to most people. But sadly, it’s also a playground for the enemy. When the thoughts of “what happened” begin to come, so do thoughts of guilt, unworthiness, and disappointment.

I’ve been challenged at times with these very things. But I’ve learned this truth: Being flexible isn’t the same as wavering.

Most of us our familiar with the warning in the Book of James. “…he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways” (James 1:6-8). True. But don’t confuse this warning with life.

Having a dream deterred because you were needed as a mom, dad, caregiver (of any kind), or short-term-project-super-hero, doesn’t mean you’ve wavered and are unstable. Sometimes life just happens and you’re going to have to be flexible.

I can’t begin to tell you how big my dreams are! There is so much more I want (and feel called) to do! But I’m also a wife (and to clarify, a pastor’s wife), mom to kids who still (gratefully) need me at times, executive supervisor of a daycare, and an administrative supervisor of a growing church. And that doesn’t even touch my travel, speaking, and writing schedule. But I’m not complaining. All of these are worthy of my time and attention. And the Bible says the diligent will be rewarded (Hebrews 11:6), so no matter what apparent detour happens, I never set my goals and dreams aside. I continue in prayer, study, research, whatever I can put my hand to daily or weekly to keep it close.

And I also remember Who called me to the dream…

God is faithful. And His timing is different than mine. He has the ability to see the end from the beginning, which means sometimes He shows us things which are still a ways ahead of us —but He shows us so we will stay on the path.

Wavering means to change one’s mind, or possibly quit. But if you continue to hold your dream in front of you, you’re not wavering — you’re being flexible! And there’s a difference.

Flexible describes bending without breaking. It perfectly describes the clay (that’s you and me) in the Potter’s (or we could say, God’s) hands. And this is where we always want to be. Each “apparent detour” may simply be a part of the process in the Potter’s big picture. He may be adding things you need, or taking away things you don’t.

Either way, as you remain flexible along the way, the end result will be amazing.

And I’ll close with this fun thought: consider a slinky. Its flexibility is also what keeps it moving. It is only when it stops altogether that it becomes unproductive.

So don’t get discouraged. Stay the course. Keep your eye on the prize. And don’t waver!

Daphne Delay is an author, blogger, speaker, and podcaster with a passion to help everyone see themselves in Christ.