Boot Camp

In my last post, I said we would talk about boot camp because I made the comment that it would be nice if every believer had to go through some kind of special training before sending them out into the world. Most of our Christian walk is about conforming to the image of Christ while operating in a world that is ruled by the devil “… the commander of the powers in the unseen world. He is the spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey God” (Ephesians 2:2, NLT).

As I was thinking about a military boot camp, I found eight real-life tips for new recruits that I found interesting. These are amazingly accurate of our life as Christians behind enemy lines. I want to show you the parallel.

1Military Boot Camp Rule: Shut Up & Listen The basic rule of thumb is that recruits should be seen and not heard. Another way of putting it: when it comes to your Drill Instructors, don’t speak until spoken to. They will make every effort to get you to react by verbally assaulting you, your integrity, and even your family. It is a trap, and you need to resist falling into it. Show mental discipline. Despite the fact that the insults seem personal, you must remember that they need to see how much you can take mentally, so resist the temptation to tell your Drill Instructors to go [somewhere].

Satan will assault you. Question is, how much can you take mentally? He wants to confuse you and test your authority. Greatest advice I ever received: Either the devil will wear you down or you can wear him down. If we’ll listen to the Holy Spirit and keep God’s Word at the forefront of our mind, the assaults of the enemy won’t faze us. Remember, we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood!

2Military Boot Camp Rule: You Don’t Make the Rules Don’t argue with your Drill Instructors, EVER! There is no way on earth that you will win, and it will no doubt cost you in terms of extra work. In the battle of wills, they hold a decidedly unfair advantage. Back on the block, before boot camp, you may have heard a lot from others who have been through it, so you may be tempted to think you know a lot. But no matter what you think you know, you don’t.

The rules have been made for us too (our Bible). Everything in it is for our advantage. Resist the temptation to think you know it all. One of the worst things a Christian can do is doubt God’s Word. If we’d all learn to trust and obey the rules, there’d be far less casualties and far more victories for the kingdom of light! 

3Military Boot Camp Rule: Pick Me Be careful what you wish for. Standing out can have its rewards, but it is a double-edged sword. You won’t likely be asked to volunteer for a leadership assignment, like squad leader, but if they pick you, you will find yourself responsible for not only your own performance but also those in your squad. You may even be punished for their screw-ups. If you are struggling, you should not seek out any extra responsibility. But, if you are picked, just say “sir yes sir” and do your best. Resist the temptation to decline, since this is one of the ways Drill Instructors have to find out what you’re made of, and how you respond to stress. Lastly, don’t lose faith if they fire you, because they most likely will, and often for something minor, or for no apparent reason. Maybe you fouled up, or maybe they just want to test someone else. Move on and don’t let it demoralize you.

We need to always remain humble, no matter where God places us. These are tests. Will we get in pride? Or if we get set down, will we throw a fit, complain, or speak against authority? These things determine our usefulness to God (and our vulnerability to the enemy).

4Military Boot Camp Rule: Prioritize In Boot Camp your life is going to be broken down into two piles; things you want to do (like sleep, read or write mail, talk with your buddies) and things you have to do (shine your shoes, roll your laundry, buff floors, scrub toilets). The temptation will be strong to slack off and procrastinate. Don’t. Take care of what you have to first. Remember, the military will not make you disciplined, but your Drill Sergeants can make you wish you were.

Be honest, we don’t always feel like praying, reading our bible, or obeying God’s Word, but these are things we have to do! When we were rescued from the kingdom of darkness, one of our assignments was to study to show ourselves approved! Some disciplines can’t be ignored.

5Military Boot Camp Rule: Stay Focused Boot Camp is 80% mental, and 20% physical. Don’t get discouraged or give in to the temptation to give up (namely because quitting is not an option.) Don’t look too far ahead and stay focused on the task at hand.

Never entertain thoughts of quitting. Even in the spiritual arena, the struggle is 80% mental. Thoughts of quitting come from the enemy. He uses them for bait, to see who he can catch. Stay focused (and loyal).

6Military Boot Camp Rule: Help Your Buddy You will live, eat, sleep, fight and die as a team. That Army of One stuff is a bunch of bologna. The sooner you learn to work as a team, the sooner life will get better for you. Boot camp is about being part of the team; individuals are weeded out and swiftly taken care of. You need to be focused on the “WE” aspect of everything you do.

We are the BODY of Christ, not the arm of Christ, or the toe of Christ. The enemy started that individualism stuff so he can pick us off one-by-one. He’s very patient. He knows he can’t devour the team — he’d be outnumbered. But he can pick us off one-by-one.

7Military Boot Camp Rule: Break the Rules at Your Own Risk There are very few rules unique to Boot Camp (no smoking, no going to the movies, no drinking alcohol, etc.), but they do expect you to follow them. Failure to do so may convince the military that you are not worth wasting time or resources on. At the very least you will find yourself poorer financially and more invigorated physically.

You will hear people fuss about the “do’s” and “don’ts” of the Bible, but there really are very few rules. We need to trust that God can see what we can’t and knows what we don’t. When we do our own thing, we make ourselves vulnerable for attack.

8Military Boot Camp Rule: Don’t Question the Logic Behind What You’re Doing Just about everything you will do in Boot Camp has a purpose, even if that purpose is nothing more than to confuse you. There will come times when you will want to question why you are doing something, which, in your opinion, is stupid and a waste of your time. Resist this temptation; first off you don’t have the rank, authority, or experience to question what’s going on, and second, Boot Camp is a one-size-fits-all method and so it never sits well with everyone, so just suck it up and remember point #5. (Stay Focused)

God’s thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways. If you want to be spiritually prepared behind enemy lines, you are going to have to submit to your commanding officer. Don’t listen to junk that contradicts His Word.

The bottom line is, we all need training and the more serious we take our training, the more God can do in and through us. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, the kingdom of Light is at war with the kingdom of darkness and God needs you and I armed and ready.

Daphne Delay is an author, blogger, speaker, and podcaster with a passion to help everyone see themselves in Christ.