Just Pause

"What happens a lot of times is that believers get taken up with natural things, and that's where they dwell. Therefore they don't take advantage of what already belongs to them as they should. They don't take time to be nourished by the Vine by communing with Jesus Christ and His Word." --Kenneth E. Hagin

At the first of this year, the Holy Spirit whispered in my heart: “I am the Vine, you are the branches…” I knew this verse of course. And it’s not even the whole verse (found in John 15:5). But what was emphasized in my spirit was the way I heard it. I could hear it and see it at the same time. Jesus is the Vine (the source) and I am a branch (one that’s both connected to the source and reaching out as far as I can).

Another thing to note is that fruit of any kind is never found on the trunk of the tree– it’s always hanging on the branches. And that’s by God’s design, both naturally and spiritually. So as our lives reach (branch) out, the goal is to bear fruit.

But all of this is only possible if we pause and commune with the Vine.

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably learned (or are learning) how to pause and spend time feeding on spiritual things. I enjoy reading books and learning from the wisdom of others– but nothing can replace times of sitting with God alone in fellowship.

Kenneth Hagin called it “communing with Jesus and His Word.” Naturally speaking, only the branches that are connected to the vine actually receive nourishment from the vine. If a branch isn’t connected, it isn’t nourished. It naturally withers away. And this is what can happen to believers. Let’s just say it: this IS what is happening to many believers.

Reading bible quotes or stories on social media isn’t enough nourishment. That would be more like wandering in the kitchen off and on throughout the day eating a cracker or small grape here and there. This is called snacking. It appeases the hunger for a minute but it’s not a meal. This lifestyle isn’t healthy– naturally or spiritually.

I don’t think there’s a formula for communing with Jesus. He wants our time and our heart. He loves uninterrupted and undistracted time. He loves for you and I to simply sit with Him– to read His Word and let it nourish us. He loves to join us in prayer and fellowship. He’s honored by our worship.

Pausing creates communion.
Communion provides nourishment.

Let’s be honest. Most of us end our day on the couch in front of the television. Depending on what you’re watching (consuming), that’s not evil. But kicking our feet up and vegging awhile isn’t the same as communing. I actually think we need times of rest that isn’t all about study, prayer, or worship. Jesus Himself told His disciples, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” (Mark 6:31 NIV). But notice He said, “Come with me…” In other words, stay connected to the Vine even in times of rest.

But also be intentional. Whether it’s at night before bed, or rising early before your day gets started, make time to PAUSE and commune with the Source of your life. Don’t just drag Him along like an IV pump. You don’t want to live like that. Pausing to eat and pausing to rest refreshes the body. The same is true in the Spirit. And the result is healthy lives and mature fruit.

Just pause.

Daphne Delay is an author, blogger, speaker, and podcaster with a passion to help everyone see themselves in Christ.