Psalm 23

The greatest oxymoron to ever exist is the phrase defeated Christian. It’s heartbreaking to think most believers are living with masks on, hiding what’s behind their facade. They overcome, but never seem to conquer… They’re frustrated, but don’t know why… They’re saved from hell, but living in some form of it every day.


The three major essentials outlined in God’s Word to help us are: an understanding of righteousness, an understanding of deception, an understanding of authority.

RIGHTEOUSNESS is the big (almost religious-sounding) word we’ve been talking about that holds the greatest treasure any person could receive from God. “I didn’t know that’s how God sees me.”

DECEPTION is nothing new— yet many of God’s people perish daily from simply not knowing the strategies and tactics of the devil. And most have no clue how to fight back and win. “Wow, why wasn’t I better prepared for that?”

Our AUTHORITY was stolen by Satan and retrieved by Jesus. Authority in Christ isn’t steps or principles— it’s knowledge. What you know determines what you do. “What do you mean it didn’t have to be that hard and it didn’t have to take that long?”

Amazingly, these three TRUTHS (righteousness, deception, and authority) are all mentioned in one of the most beloved portions of scripture of all time— PSALM 23.

It’s all there in His Word— everything God wants us to know about who we are, how He sees us, and what He’s given us. God’s Word has hidden treasures (something that’s always been there below the surface but unknown until discovered). But God didn’t intend for these truths to remain hidden from His children. They were simply kept safe until the right time. 

(Verse 1) The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

A shepherd is an overseer. In this case, God is our overseer watching carefully over us, trying to lead us. And when you get a full revelation of this, you too will say, “I shall not want.”

(Verse 2) He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.

There is a rest in God. Revelation 7:17 says, “For the Lamb who is in the center of the throne will be their Shepherd, and He will guide them to springs of the waters of life; and God will wipe every tear from their eyes [giving them eternal comfort]” (AMP). The key word here might be “leads.” In other words, if we’re anxious or fearful, we need to ask ourselves, “Am I letting God lead me?”

(Verse 3) He restores my soul; He leads in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

Our soul is our mind, will, and emotions. It’s the part of us that falls prey to attack. Therefore God promises to restore this part of our being. His desire has always been to make us whole. How? By leading us (there’s that word again) in the paths (knowledge) of righteousness. Why? For the glory of His name!

(Verse 4) Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and staff, they comfort me.

Remember, our trials are always something we walk through, not camp out. And if we find ourselves stuck, this isn’t God’s doing. He can only lead us, not make us keep walking.

A valley is definitely representative of hard times. But think about the word “shadow” for a minute. It’s an image cast on the ground by an intercepting light. In other words, you can never have a shadow WITHOUT a greater light source (in this case, GOD). This is His proof that He never leaves us, therefore we have no reason to fear. You simply have to remind yourself often: “He is with me.”

God’s rod and staff are symbols of authority. The psalmist said these are meant to comfort. Isn’t that unusual? Until you realize they are both symbolic of how God’s presence and protection comforts His people.

(Verse 5) You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.

To prepare means to make fully ready. I like to think about it this way: if God prepared the table, would anything be lacking? Of course not! So this would include ignorance. No more deception! No reason to avoid or hide from your enemies. You simply need to sit at the table God has supplied for you. And the best seat is with His word in your hand.

But notice where this table is located– in front of, opposite of, fully facing our enemies (all demonic principalities and powers of darkness). Remember, the Bible says we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12). Our enemy is always the devil.

God anoints or covers us with oil. The implication here is a wide range of figurative meanings relating to richness and plenty (to signify strength and fruitfulness). And the cup is you! You are the vessel God wants to fill to overflowing.

(Verse 6) Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Undoubtedly, assuredly, inevitably, and without fail, God is with us. And when you know who you are and what you’ve been given in Christ, then it’s easy to realize God’s will is for only goodness and mercy to follow you (not destruction and calamity). In times of trial, when you feel like you are getting pushed backwards, what are you going to land on? His goodness and mercy. This is good news.

Basically, the truths we can glean from this beautiful Psalm are:

(1) It’s easy to embrace God’s peace when you know who you are in Christ and the powerful way in which He reclaimed everything and gave it back to us. (2) Life can bombard our mind, will, and emotions but it’s the work of our enemy and the by-product of living in a world under the “sway of the wicked one”– thankfully, God has a supply for us. (3) We can’t claim to have been forgiven of our sins if we refuse to acknowledge that we have been made the righteousness of God in Christ. This is our new path. (4) Don’t look at the shadows. Keep your eyes on the Light that reveals the lurking darkness. (5) Authority belongs to God and whomever He chooses to give it to (delegated). And lastly, (6) our enemies can only sit and watch us feast on the goodness of God. They can’t stop it.

This is the understanding of righteousness, deception and authority God wants us all to carry.

And if you’ll continually mediate on this psalm, I promise God will reveal even more to you.

Daphne Delay is an author, blogger, speaker, and podcaster with a passion to help everyone see themselves in Christ.