When you develop your relationship with the Holy Spirit and maintain a steady diet of God’s Word, the Lord will speak things to your heart. For example, I was praying and thanking God for a new day (one I desperately needed after experiencing unnecessary pressure from the previous day) when this scripture rose up in my spirit: The blessing of the Lord makes one rich…
Yes… (I whispered back with a smile on my face).
The blessing of the Lord makes me rich in peace…
rich in love…
rich in wisdom…
rich in purpose…
Have you ever felt your heart smile? If yes, then you know how comforting these words were to my soul. I was reminded that God gives favor to the righteous. No matter what obstacles, struggles, or pressure the world and our responsibilities put on us, “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow to it” (Proverbs 10:22).
Many blessings.
The word “blessing” literally describes good favor, whether that be in the form of a tangible gift or even a simple word of encouragement.
Some might be bothered with the definition of rich but it literally (and biblically) means to be or become wealthy in money, possessions, or influence. It also has the sense of making someone else rich. On the contrary, the word sorrow is what you would guess– it describes pain, hurt, or toil.
Other translations say:
“It is the Lord’s blessing that makes a person rich, and hard work adds nothing to it” (GWT).
“God’s blessing makes life rich; nothing we do can improve on God” (MSG).
“The blessing of the Lord–it makes [truly] rich, and He adds no sorrow with it [neither does toiling increase it]” (AMP).
I especially love that last translation. God enjoys giving us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4-5) and richly providing us with everything for our enjoyment (1 Timothy 6:17). And He does it without toil, meaning you don’t have to labor so hard.
But let’s be honest: when we’re feeling the pressure of life (mentally and physically), a new car or a new pair of shoes isn’t going to remove those pressures (although they may be enjoyable for the moment). Instead, ease comes when God showers us with wisdom, peace, love, and even rest.
True enrichment.
Remembering that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you is another good point. We are enriched simply by His love and grace. When we have a relationship with God in prayer and through His Word, He can remind us more effectively how much He loves us and that He will never leave or forsake us.
The Bible says God’s favor is on the righteous– that’s you and me and every other person who names and follows Jesus as Lord.
Really blessed.
And His peace and favor (natural or spiritual) are given without exhausting labor or effort, so slow down and quit working so hard.
“The blessing of the Lord makes [YOU] rich and He adds no sorrow with it [He doesn’t expect you to earn it or feel guilty for it]” (my paraphrase).
So this is my prayer for you today: May you be rich in peace. rich in love, rich in wisdom, and rich in purpose.
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