The Bridge Was a Success

My dad is a retired Steel Fabrication Project Manager (similar to an architect). He used to build the “bones” of large buildings, or in some cases, the “exposed bones” of bridges, railings, and design features. He worked primarily with steel, which is one of the strongest building metals available.

To build a bridge, one must analyze both sides of attachment and carefully design it in such a way that it will not only be sturdy, but it will last the test of time. You have to consider things like weight-bearing and the external forces of nature.

In other words, building a bridge is more detailed and thorough than the childhood ones we built with legos and lincoln logs.

I imagine God looked at lost humanity and said, “We must build a bridge.”

Picture this: God and man are separated. God’s a BIG God, but this dilemma will require a bridge– one that will be sturdy, lasting, and weight-bearing. And God, in His wisdom, knows exactly what it will take. To build this kind of bridge, it must have these elements:

“He [will bear] our griefs and carry our sorrows.”
“He [will be] wounded for transgressions and bruised for iniquities.”
“The chastisement for peace [will be] upon Him.”
“By His stripes we [will be] healed.”

The building of this bridge was a huge undertaking.

In fact, it may have been more challenging than the creating of the world, or man, itself. But the forethought, love, and attention to detail, gives us understanding why the prophet said, “Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief, [because] when You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed [of labor]… and be satisfied.” 

In fact, the final blueprints (found in Isaiah 53) concluded with this statement from the Architect:“And He bore the sins of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.”

The word intercession describes a prayer or pleading on behalf of another. It is a form of the word intercede, which describes any act on behalf of someone in difficulty or trouble. It literally means to reconcile. (And I love the word reconcile because it’s a synonym for peace.)

God saw the need to build a bridge (reconciling mankind) because those He loved were far off–separated from Him by sin. Therefore, it pleased the “Architect” to bruise Him, thus making Him sufficient for bearing the weight of sin– not for one or two, but for ALL.

“And He bore the sins of many, and made [A BRIDGE] for the transgressors.”

And the Bridge was a success.

In fact, when the bridge was completed and access was made, the Bible (blueprints) state: “Now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ” (Ephesians 2:13).

My dad’s office had pictures of completed projects hanging everywhere. No matter how agonizing each one was to design and build, the pictures of completed projects brought him joy and satisfaction.

I imagine God feels the same way about His Bridge and all who cross it.

Daphne Delay is an author, blogger, speaker, and podcaster with a passion to help everyone see themselves in Christ.