Unchanging Purpose

It’s my birthday week and I adopted this birthday scripture a few years ago:

“Now also when I am old and gray-headed, O God, do not forsake me, until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come” (Psalms 71:18).

When I was a little girl, my mom was a junior high math teacher. I remember vividly being at the mall with her one time, when an ex-student came up to tell her hello. When they walked away, I asked my mom how old they were (it was obvious they were no longer school age and I hadn’t thought about how long my mom had been teaching). She replied, “They are probably about 24…” And from then on, I thought 24 was so old!

Until I turned 24 of course! And then I realized how young and how much life we really still have to live– not just in our twenties, but as long as we have purpose. And that’s been my goal ever since.

There are so many references in the Bible to our purpose. God said He knew us in our mother’s womb and mapped out our days (Psalm 139). He said He created a plan for each of us– “to have a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11). Paul said God “saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was foreordained in Christ Jesus before time began” (2 Timothy 1:9).

I like to envision time as a long hallway. God is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He created time. And on the hallway of time is a door for every human. Jesus knocks on each door, inviting us into a relationship with our Heavenly Father. And when we open the door, we step into the hallway of God’s plan and purpose for our lives!

I opened my door at 21 years old. I wish I’d opened it sooner but I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about that because I realize God knew when I would open the door of my heart. His plans for me started then– not before. I didn’t miss a thing. And I don’t plan to! I’ve determined to follow Him all the days of my life and live a life that points others to His love and grace!

Is there a greater purpose than that? I don’t think so. This is why I look up Psalm 71:18 every year on my birthday. No matter how many more gray hairs I have or how high the number creeps up there, I am determined to have purpose. I realize it might not look the same at 60 or 70 than it does now, but that’s okay. If I’m walking down the hallway of time with Jesus and my Father God, I know that I am fulfilling all my days.

We have an unchanging purpose.

God chose us before the foundations of the world were formed– literally, the foundations of the world were formed FOR US. He has always had us on His mind. And He has written His love upon our heart and given us of His Spirit. How can we not now live for His purpose? I can’t imagine being fulfilled by anything less.

So as you approach your next birthday, I pray you consider these things and remember how great a love your Father God has for you– and those He has placed around you. That is your purpose. Without a doubt, your occupation can be used for His purposes, but it’s not your only calling. You and I live to shine forth His love– to our generation.

If I had to choose a close runner-up to my birthday scripture, I’d echo the summary of King David’s life: “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep…” (Acts 13:36). This is my goal and purpose too– to serve my generation in the will of God. I don’t need the world to know my name. I just want to reach those within the realm of my influence. I want to help others answer the knock on the door of their heart and step into the hallway of God’s great grace!

I pray you find your purpose. Even more, I pray you fulfill your purpose. Until He calls us home, these aspirations will remain! And remember, age is never a factor with God.

Daphne Delay is an author, blogger, speaker, and podcaster with a passion to help everyone see themselves in Christ.