Who Needs Siri When You Have God?

Think about this for a minute:

Revelation knowledge changes the course of your life.

My family and I were recently traveling through another town where we stopped to eat. Afterwards, I told my husband we needed to go under the overpass to the left to get back on the Interstate. OK, simple enough, right? Not exactly.

After leaving the parking lot, it seemed natural to get in the turning lane right before the overpass, but as soon as we did I noticed a cement pole in front of us. There were no street signs indicating otherwise, but apparently we had pulled into a left turning lane to travel east on an access road going the opposite direction of what we needed. And not only that, but we were now trapped by traffic on our right and couldn’t get out of the turning lane.

Needless to say, we turned left, traveled against the natural flow of traffic leaving the Interstate, and had to circle around a Walmart and several restaurants just to get back to our starting point and try again to go under the overpass and on to the Interstate. We looked again to see if we missed the street signs, but nope –there were none. I looked at my husband and said, “We won’t make that mistake again.”

And that’s what I mean by: Revelation knowledge changes the course of your life (or should).

The Bible says, “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps” (Proverbs 16:9). I’ve relied on this scripture most of my Christian life. It comforts me to know that if I miss it, God will help me. But I’ve also learned that God expects me to learn from His direction. It would be silly (and immature) of me to keep repeating a wrong step when God showed me the right path.

“He leads us in paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake” (Psalm 23:3).

In other words, when God gives us revelation of any kind, He expects it to guide and direct us as a course and path of life that will glorify His Name. If we veer from the path and ignore the revelation He’s given us, the opposite happens: God is mocked (or at least His children are).

I can honestly tell you who I am today is directly related to the revelation God has given me over the years. Every time God showed me something new in His word (even if my first reaction was “ouch”), I made the necessary changes. Now don’t get me wrong, there were plenty of times I ignorantly repeated the same dumb mistake until I got on the path right, but I’m glad I did.

Our lives are a series of knowledge put into steps. 

From day one, everything we learn is applied or ignored. It’s how things work in this life. And it’s so much easier to navigate if you have a map, signs, or the voice on your navigation system helping direct your steps. This is LIFE.

So ask God to give you revelation. I mean, who needs Siri when you have God? You may have direction for your life, but only God knows the steps!

Daphne Delay is an author, blogger, speaker, and podcaster with a passion to help everyone see themselves in Christ.