You Can Trust the Anointing

I woke up this morning with this rolling around in my spirit:

The anointing of God precedes you, prepares you, and propels you.

As I laid in bed considering this thought, each word reminded me of seasons in my life. The Bible describes the anointing as a priestly portion in the Old Testament and a communication and reception of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament. In short, it describes the enablement given to man to empower him or her for service unto God.


Before I gave my heart to Jesus, I was so lost. But looking back now, I can see how the Holy Spirit wooed and protected me. It’s a wonder to me that I didn’t hurt myself or someone else in my stupidity but God saw ahead and knew I’d receive Him. Therefore, the Holy Spirit preceded (went before) me making sure I had every opportunity to receive salvation.


Every day since, the Holy Spirit has been my Helper. I’ve been living for God over thirty years now and there’s not a day that’s gone by that I can’t give credit to the Holy Spirit and His anointing for leading, guiding, and preparing me. Did I always follow whole-heartedly? No. But that too, was part of the preparation. When I fell, I learned to trust. When I succeeded, I learned humbleness.


And with every lesson, God was setting up a launching pad in the Spirit. I often felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff with only one instruction: Take a step of faith. I’ve taken many such steps in my life and God has never failed to surprise me. But I now realize each obedient step built something in the Spirit only God could see. And like a Master Chess Player, He knew His next move would launch things in my life I would have never dreamed up on my own.

Looking back, I had no idea. I couldn’t have dreamed up this amazing journey. And even with all it’s ups, downs, aches, and pains, I wouldn’t trade a thing. I have learned to fully trust the One who loves us.

I want you to know God does the same for all His children.

“But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him” (1 John 2:27).

Take a minute and think about how God preceded you to where you are now; how He used different situations in your life to prepare you in order to propel you into His plans and purposes. And now wrap your faith around it.

Trust the anointing. You won’t be disappointed.

Daphne Delay is an author, blogger, speaker, and podcaster with a passion to help everyone see themselves in Christ.