Your Expectation is God’s Invitation

It’s hard to believe we’re approaching the gift-giving season already –but then again, between family birthdays, baby showers, and weddings, is it ever not the gift-giving season?

More specifically, as Christians in tune with the Holy Spirt, it’s ALWAYS the gift-giving season! But don’t get weary with that thought, it’s actually really cool how the nature of God is to give (For God so loved the world, He gave…), and as children made in His image, its part of our nature too. But I’m not just talking about physical gifts you can handle. No, the best gifts are those that need no wrapping paper at all.

In his letter to the Roman church, Paul said, “For I long to see you that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, so that you may be established–that is, that I may be encouraged together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me” (Romans 1:11-12).


Don’t you hate that feeling when you just wanted to run get a gallon of milk and you see that one person that likes to talk (and talk, and talk) but you’re really not in the mood, or don’t have time, so you try to duck down a different aisle only to end up in line at the same time? It’s happened to all of us. But on the contrary, isn’t it the most amazing feeling when you’re reunited with someone you’ve missed greatly? 

When I used to have to drop my son off at daycare, my favorite part of the day was picking him up. As soon as he’d see me, he’d jump up with a big smile and yell, “Mommy!” It always made my heart beam (and puts a grin on my face even remembering it now).

This is what Paul meant. But it’s not always about love for or a close relationship with someone. His letter was to a church full of people–many of whom he did not know. However, Paul understood the transforming power of the Holy Spirit and it fueled his desire to see them. He knew God was going to do something amazing when they were together. In other words, Paul had expectation.


I looked this up. As you might think, it means to give or share. But not just anything… Paul had a spiritual gift to impart. It describes something from the Holy Spirit, or pneuma (the Greek word for spirit). You can’t put it in a box or tie it up with a bow, but any gift from the Holy Spirit is a GOOD gift, because it’s always the one you need at the time.

Do you need peace? Do you need wisdom? A word of knowledge? Or healing? Whatever it is, the Bible says God knows the things we have need of before we ask. And the gift he spoke of is described in the Greek as a gift of grace. It could be anything that results in grace, such as deliverance from peril, confidence, or even self-control (which is kind of like the socks you get at Christmas–something you need but not always something you’re excited about).


God’s heart is to help you remain stable and sure-footed at all times. To be rooted and grounded is a good thing. It’s no fun to be tossed to and fro like someone in a raft on the open, angry sea–yet some people’s lives are like this every day. When I was younger, we went to the lake pretty often and my dad would always tie the boat to the dock to keep it steady and secure. This is the same meaning here. God has things for us that will keep us steadfast and on task versus being unsettled or unstable.

When life is hard, God’s will is for you to be like a palm tree, not a tumbleweed.

And the best news is that the gifts God wants to impart to you can come in many different ways. Some gifts come through visits, an encouraging word, or times of worship. The way you receive the gift isn’t as important as your expectation to receive. I always say: Your expectation is God’s invitation.

God is looking for ways to bless and strengthen you. Are you looking for Him to do so? If yes, then get ready (and don’t put God in a box)! He has something for you today and every day.

Daphne Delay is an author, blogger, speaker, and podcaster with a passion to help everyone see themselves in Christ.