God of Another Chance

Let’s do the math. Peter asked Jesus how many times would be a good amount to forgive someone? Seven times? Jesus replied, “Seven! Hardly. Try seventy times seven” (Matthew 18:22, MSG). That’s 490 times a person should be forgiven. And I’ll add that all Bible scholars agree Jesus meant we should forgive that often, towards the same person, in one day (not over a lifetime). In fact, the real point is, quit counting.

So now let me ask this question:

Would God ask you to forgive someone more times than He’s willing to forgive your sins?

Of course not.

He’s the God of another chance. And another chance. And another chance. And another chance. And another chance. And another chance. And another chance. And another chance. And another chance… I’m tempted to write that out 490 times so you’ll get the picture, but I think you can see where I’m going with this.

The point is that you need to receive what God has given you– another chance.

So you failed. You missed it. I’m here to tell you God is bigger than your mistakes. God in you is bigger than the lies, schemes, tricks, and accusations of the enemy. God’s love toward you is from everlasting to everlasting, not week to week depending on how you measure up.

There is a righteous side of God. He wants you and I to walk in His ways because (1) it honors Him, and (2) it benefits us. But God is also merciful and compassionate. The Bible says He fashioned our hearts individually and understands all we do (Psalm 33:15). God doesn’t approve of sin but He doesn’t disown us because of it either.

Our Heavenly Father is the God of another chance.

As short and sweet as this is, my encouragement for you today is a powerful truth: allow God to give you the same forgiveness He’s asking you to give to others.

Daphne Delay is an author, blogger, speaker, and podcaster with a passion to help everyone see themselves in Christ.