Part 1 | Part 2 Recently, I talked about the importance of discretion. And I made statement I want to clarify: A lack of discretion is a sign of insecurity. We can blame ignorance on our lack of discretion (Oh, I wasn’t thinking…. or I didn’t know…) but I can tell you from first-hand experience that insecurity might be the ...
Part 1 | Part 2 I recently posted a status on Facebook and Twitter that received a lot of attention: I can think some things… I can know some things… But I don’t have to “say” everything I think and know. #discretion This is an area I still want/need to grow in. It’s a crazy temptation to want to tell others ...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 We’ve been addressing the troublesome question: Is God in control of everything? Let’s be clear what we’re talking about… Everything is a BIG word. It describes the total of all things. Yet when we look at our world, and compare what we see with scripture and our understanding of our Good God, ...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 I asked this question in last week’s post, and came to the conclusion that no, God is not in control of everything that happens. Jesus Himself helps substantiate this in His teachings. For example, let’s look at the Parable of the Wedding: And Jesus answered and spoke to them again by parables ...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 You hear this sometimes… when a tragedy has happened, or something is unexplainable: “Well, you know God has a reason… He’s in control of everything that happens…” Is He? If this is true, then why did Jesus tell His disciples how to pray? If God is in control of everything, why do ...
When you develop your relationship with the Holy Spirit and maintain a steady diet of God’s Word, the Lord will speak things to your heart. For example, I was praying and thanking God for a new day (one I desperately needed after feeling unnecessary pressure from the previous one) when this scripture rose up in my spirit: The blessing of the ...
I don’t know what your routine is, but mine looks a little like this: 1. Up early between 5:00 and 6:00 every morning2. Fix a cup of coffee3. Find my glasses (so I can focus)4. Sit in my favorite chair with my Bible and iPad5. Pray6. Read my Bible and/or study book7. Write Simple, huh? That’s what I thought, until ...
I recently read through the story of the man by the pool of Bethesda. It’s an account I have pondered before; an interesting story about a man who had suffered with an infirmity for 38 years when Jesus found him. We aren’t told what his infirmity was, but I can’t help but think about the condition I was in when Jesus ...
Have you ever noticed how certain words will resonate with you, while others don’t? I think it’s different for everyone because of our upbringing, experiences, maturity, education, geography, etc. But as a Christian, I’ve noticed this with God’s Word too. For example, one person will cling to Jeremiah 29:11 (For I know the thoughts I think toward you… thoughts of ...
Have you ever played a real game of pinball? Not the virtual kind on a computer or xBox, but the stand-up, hold the sides of the table, real pinball? Or maybe stood on the side and watched someone play …? The player starts the game by pulling a lever back that sends a silver ball souring through an obstacle course ...
In 2010, we learned first-hand the importance of knowing and praying God’s Word over your situation. In fact, I believe it’s what saved our son’s life. When he was given a 50/50 chance of survival after receiving 2nd and 3rd degree burns while trapped in an upside-down truck, it was God’s Word that rescued us all. First, His Word was ...
Ok, so I have to confess, I enjoy watching certain competition TV shows (not most, just some). One of my past favorites was DesignStar on HGTV. It was clean television and I was intrigued with how they came up with and implemented their design ideas. But one thing I noticed is that every season had at least one person (if not more) who ...
Have you ever wished you could go back and change something? I’m certain you have. Who hasn’t? Whether small or large, regrets can be discouraging. “If only I could go back and change [such and such], but I can’t…” This is what I recently told the Lord after seeing something more clearly– something I wish I’d handled differently in the ...
How do people live without God? I recently encountered this on two very different levels. My husband and I were asked to minister to a family going through a crisis. When we arrived, it was quickly apparent that most of these were (for a lack of better words) empty. They had no desire for God and therefore the very air ...
“Is it about me? Or is it about them?” “Or is it about me being transparent to help them?” This was part of my conversation with the Lord this morning. As a writer, I want to help people. And because of that, I’m very aware of trends in writing and blogging and what the industry says is popular or necessary ...
This morning, as I sat and prayed, an old song came bubbling up out of my spirit: When I think about the Lord, how He saved me, how He raised me, how He filled me up with the Holy Ghost, How He healed me to the uttermost When I think about the Lord, how He lifted me up and turned ...
You and I control our peace. No one else… One morning, while on a pre-dawn walk with my husband, I felt a little grumpy. Mainly because it was early! I had been trying to find the perfect time to exercise because I know I need it, but my schedule (by my choice) limited my options. So as we started out, I ...
I was recently visiting with a respected minister friend of mine and the subject of righteousness came up. He said, “I think Malachi 4:2 is the best righteousness scripture in the whole Bible. You know what it says, right?” Well, at the moment, no. I drew a blank. Then he said, “But to you who fear My name the Sun ...