This article first appeared on GodTV devotional blog | by Daphne Delay It seems we have created our own idea of who the Son of God is and how He carried Himself on the earth. Or maybe we just missed the part where He often called people out for their behavior and corrected them publicly. Don’t get me wrong, I ...
When Jesus marvels at anything, we should sit up and pay attention. In the story of the centurion who wanted Jesus to heal his servant, the Bible says Jesus heard his request and marveled at his understanding of authority (Matthew 8:5-10). More specifically, Jesus marveled because at His simple and sincere reply that He would come heal this man’s servant, ...
“If you don’t fight for your beans, the devil will take your taco, your burrito, and the whole enchilada!” If you love Mexican food like I do, you understand this analogy! I once heard Pastor Mark Hankins say this in light of a story in 2 Samuel 23. It’s just a couple of verses, but a very powerful truth. King ...
“For many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14). This may be one of the most questioned scriptures of all time. In fact, at a particular event I speak at regularly, a question about this passage was asked during Q&A more than any other. What did Jesus mean? Let’s start by looking at the words individually, and then the ...
Sometimes you can locate where people are by how much response they give to a certain topic, or how much silence they give. We live in a busy society, so I don’t expect people to read or comment on my blog every day (although I secretly love to hear from others). But for the most part I get a certain ...
“Don’t ever short-circuit a miracle by trying to see it in progress!” –Kenneth Copeland Because our natural eyes often dictate our next move (i.e. we see a stray ball coming our way so we duck, or we see a dog running in the street so we brake), we are often guilty of utilizing our spiritual eyes the same way. The ...
Have you ever wondered (like I have) what Jesus meant when He said there will be some who will call Him Lord but He never knew them? I’ve studied this out before because if it’s possible to hear those words, I want to avoid whatever it is that would make Him say that to me. What I first discovered was ...
Part 1 | Part 2 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation…” So how did we become new? Continuing from my last post, I want to explain what it means to be “In-Christed”–which is a biblical idea referring to the fact that we have been engrafted into Christ. Paul said in Romans 11:17-18, “Some ...
It makes sense that when we face a trial of any kind (relationships, finances, health, etc), we pray more earnestly, we read our Bible more searching scripture for direction and hope, and we let go of less important things like checking our social media accounts every hour. But here’s my question: when we get the breakthrough, then what? It’s so ...
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me… I have my own definitions of what a wretch is (how I used to see myself), but the dictionary describes it as a deplorably unfortunate or unhappy person, a person of despicable or base character. We could add the words beggar, bum, lowlife, outcast, scum, worm, and loser ...
When I hear the word stray, I think of a lost dog– one who doesn’t have a home, a wanderer looking for its next meal. And then I think about people and the spiritual falling away that happens oh-so-slowly over time. I’ve been guilty of this myself. It’s not something we plan or even want to do. It just happens. ...
Jesus said, “The words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life. But there are some of you who do not believe.” Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe and who would betray Him. “Therefore I have said to you that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted ...
No matter how many years pass, I still see it coming… that marker in time— the sign in the road that says, “God is faithful.” There are some who want to go around it, avoid it, and forget it ever happened. And to some degree, I understand. But God says otherwise: “So this day shall be to you a memorial…” ...
Growing up, I was blessed to have two dads. My parents divorced when I was two years old, and a few years later, my mom remarried. I’m sure I confused people quite often because I affectionately called both of them dad. In addition, I was also close to my granddad. Now that I’m a Christian and have a relationship with my ...
He's the God of another chance. And another chance. And another chance. And another chance. And another chance. And another chance. And another chance. And another chance. And another chance... ...
“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it” (John 1:4-5). If you want to frustrate Hell, let your light shine! Recently, I was in our sanctuary with my husband and our daughter-in-love (who works as our Administrative Assistant) making preparations for a ...
My recent post, I Think Myself Happy, is still rolling around in my spirit. Unless you study the scriptures more fully, you might have the impression Paul found contentment and joy by only “thinking” happy thoughts. This isn’t true. Paul said, “I think…” which we learned meant to command with official authority. Well, you can’t command something by only thinking ...
What amazes me about this story most is what Paul said first. When permitted to speak, he stepped forward and declared, "I think myself happy, King Agrippa..." (Acts 26:2). ...