Healing comes in all shapes and sizes. I’m always in awe of the care God puts into the tiniest details. People can receive healing of heart for their brokenness, healing of body for sickness and disease, and healing of mind for trouble and despair. But one thing we need to be clear on: God didn’t “heal” our spirits. Our spirit ...

Our fear (respect & love) of God must far outweigh our fear of man. At the airport, we realized three other mission teams from across the United States were also on our flight to Honduras. I looked at a member of another team and said, “Jesus sure loves Honduras.” Every summer I travel with a missions group to minister in ...

When we think about something being “permanently fixed,” we’re referring to anything that is fastened, attached, or placed so firm, it’s not readily movable. This could be anything from a palm tree to a cement bunker. In the same manner, Jesus asked us to be permanently fixed in two things: His Word and His Love. If you’ve ever used super glue to repair ...

You’ve got to love the Apostle Paul. He walked in divine humility and confidence–at the same time. In his letter to the Galatians, he opened with this greeting: “Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from their present evil age, according to the ...

I have a confession to make… One of my biggest battles is distractions. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing. If something new pops in my head, or I hear something near me (people talking, a news program, middle of a movie dialog, whatever), I am immediately drawn to turn my attention off what I was doing and on to the ...

Throughout God’s Word, we find natural examples to help us understand spiritual principles. One such example is found in Hebrews, Chapter Six. The Bible says if the earth drinks in the rain and then produces a good crop or healthy plants or trees, then it is blessed. But if the earth drinks in the rain and produces weeds, thorns, and thistles, ...

“I felt fine when I didn’t understand what the law demanded. But when I learned the truth, I realized I had broken the law and was a sinner, doomed to die” (Romans 7:9). Do you remember a time when you didn’t realize you were breaking the law and how it felt when it was brought to your attention? It’s not a ...

Endurance. Just hearing the word makes you sweat. Endurance describes a person with the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or some other adverse condition. It is the picture of bearing pain and hardships. One image that comes to mind is from the reality TV show “Survivor” where all the contestants were required to hold ...

I don’t remember why I was there, since we had a washing machine at home, but I have a faint memory of a being at a laundry mat as a child and watching the swish, swish, swish of the old glass-top washers. On the outside, the constant sloshing of water could almost lull you to sleep. But on the inside ...

At one time or another, we have all been rejected. It’s a lonely feeling–but we’re not alone. “Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, and who would betray Him… For even His brothers did not believe in Him” (John 6:64, 7:5). We tend to think Jesus didn’t feel rejection because He was God’s Son, but ...

“They treat you like an animal so you’ll act like an animal, so they can kill you like an animal.” When I was a child, I remember hearing a lot of talk about a TV mini-series called Roots, but I was too young to watch it. I’m now a fan of historical events of any kind, so when I saw ...

Jesus was the ultimate game changer. In His message to the multitude, he repeatedly gave them one train of thought and then countered it with: “But I say to you…” For example, Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said of those of old, ‘You shall not murder, and whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment.’ BUT I SAY ...

Before you tune me out or call me sappy, let me explain. My heart was rescued from despair the day I got saved. And then, like a perfect gentleman, God kept wooing me, showing up at the door of my heart with sweet flowers and invitations to walk with Him. You know the feeling… there isn’t a person in this ...

The dictionary defines a pawn as: 1. An object used to deposit as security, such as money 2. A person used as a hostage 3. A piece in a Chess game 4. Someone who is used to further another’s purposes I want to focus on the last definition because it is likely we all read it in a negative sense. For ...

I come from a line of amazing ladies. My mom was a school teacher for many years and I observed many students cross her path later in life with loving appreciation of her. She went into education partly by influence from my grandmother, who was a Home Economics teacher. Grandmother sewed many things for me and our family and she loved to cook amazing ...

Suspended Reality. Before this week, I had never heard this phrase before, but it stood out to me. And I immediately thought of our faith in Christ. But before I explain, let me share how others define suspended reality. For starters, a lot of people use this term to describe something fantastical, almost unrealistic or magical. I also read an ...

Are you aware of where and how this whole thing started? I’m talking about Christianity. Here’s the story: And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was ...

As a parent, I’ve told my children it’s not always what you say, but what you do. Anyone can say the right thing, but what are they doing or thinking? For example, when I was growing up, my brother and I lived with our grandparents for a short while. Being older and from a different generation, they didn’t always understand us as ...