The Lord is good and His mercy endures forever. Those are the words that always come out of my mouth… as a whisper, as a praise, as a declaration, as a reminder. I remember when my husband, Tod, was attending Rhema Bible Training College, the founder, Brother Hagin (as we all affectionately called him), would always say these same words. ...

This article first appeared on The Christian Broadcasting Network Can you judge a book by its cover? I’m an author so I understand the necessity of a great book title, graphics, and description, long before anyone actually opens the book. So, for this reason I know there are probably hundreds upon hundreds of amazing books that get overlooked simply because ...

This article first appeared on The Christian Broadcasting Network My family says I have nine lives. I say, God has rescued me more times than I can count. Even before I knew God, He was in the business of watching over me. In the second grade, I was hit by a car. In high school, my head went through a ...

This article first appeared on The Christian Broadcasting Network One of my favorite definitions of vision is “something seen otherwise than by the ordinary sight.” In other words, what you see in the natural should never limit what you can see by faith or by revelation. Too often, we are moved by what we see naturally— and this isn’t a ...

The greatest oxymoron to ever exist is the phrase defeated Christian. It’s heartbreaking to think most believers are living with masks on, hiding what’s behind their facade. They overcome, but never seem to conquer… They’re frustrated, but don’t know why… They’re saved from hell, but living in some form of it every day. THIS HAS TO CHANGE. The three major ...

Dan Mohler said, “Jesus didn’t die because you have sin. He died because you have destiny.” The truth is, the devil stole man’s destiny from him in the Garden of Eden. But when darkness became our common enemy, Jesus came to forgive all sin and restore what was lost. In Luke 10:17-19, the bible says seventy disciples returned from ministering ...

The past few weeks we’ve been talking about FACING THE ENEMY. So let me make this statement: If righteousness (by definition) is the ability to stand before God without inferiority (or fear), then God wants us to stand before the devil that way too (no cowering). In other words, Christians do not need to be hiding from or avoiding their enemy.  ...

I recently used a chess board as an analogy of how the world around us works and how God uses our position in Christ to His advantage to hold ground. So picture this with me: Like a chessboard, you’re standing on a square holding your ground. But your opponent (the enemy) wants to move you out of his way. So ...

God doesn’t want any of us walking in the dark. He knows the light of His Word and His presence bring comfort, faith, and confidence. This is true of every obstacle or area of confusion. God is the first one to say, “You want to understand? Let me show you.” In the book of Micah, the writer makes an interesting ...

To be behind enemy lines is a military term that means you are on their turf, but not on their side. This understanding makes our position as believers in this world very important. In other words, God wants us to help hold ground for the kingdom of Light, even in the midst of dark and trying times. Obviously, the enemy has other ...