What is it about January that makes us want to start fresh (or for some, start over)? I know the obvious answer, but honestly, we could start anew anytime we want— there isn’t any magical fairy dust that transforms us at midnight as one year rolls out and a new year rolls in. It’s a mindset. God tells us, “Do ...
There’s a song entitled, “Mary’s Prayer” by Bebo Norman that is one of my favorites. It is definitely an appropriate meditation these few days before Christmas, but I sometimes listen to it year-round as a reminder of the gift God gave us. It says: “Sleep baby Jesus, close your weary eyes; hide yourself in faithful dreams before you live your life. Slip away to ...
Did you know the first promise God ever made was about Christmas? You actually know the story. It didn’t happen in Bethlehem. It happened in the Garden. Sin caused man to fall and God responded with a promise: “I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you ...
My friend Debbie Beck has a beautiful take on Christmas that reflects my own heart. I hope her enthusiasm encourages you as well: I love Christmas! Let me say it again in case you missed it… I LOVE Christmas! I love the Christmas story. I love Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus. I love the angels, and the star and all the wonderful visitors who came ...
This article first appeared on The Christian Broadcasting Network I liked to be liked, don’t you? I mean, seriously, who doesn’t? No one runs around hoping everyone hates them. It’s just not built in our DNA, no matter who you are. But I can also testify that wanting to be liked has probably been the greatest source of my regrets ...
The Lord is good and His mercy endures forever. Those are the words that always come out of my mouth… as a whisper, as a praise, as a declaration, as a reminder. I remember when my husband, Tod, was attending Rhema Bible Training College, the founder, Brother Hagin (as we all affectionately called him), would always say these same words. ...
This article first appeared on The Christian Broadcasting Network Can you judge a book by its cover? I’m an author so I understand the necessity of a great book title, graphics, and description, long before anyone actually opens the book. So, for this reason I know there are probably hundreds upon hundreds of amazing books that get overlooked simply because ...
This article first appeared on The Christian Broadcasting Network My family says I have nine lives. I say, God has rescued me more times than I can count. Even before I knew God, He was in the business of watching over me. In the second grade, I was hit by a car. In high school, my head went through a ...
The greatest oxymoron to ever exist is the phrase defeated Christian. It’s heartbreaking to think most believers are living with masks on, hiding what’s behind their facade. They overcome, but never seem to conquer… They’re frustrated, but don’t know why… They’re saved from hell, but living in some form of it every day. THIS HAS TO CHANGE. The three major ...
Dan Mohler said, “Jesus didn’t die because you have sin. He died because you have destiny.” The truth is, the devil stole man’s destiny from him in the Garden of Eden. But when darkness became our common enemy, Jesus came to forgive all sin and restore what was lost. In Luke 10:17-19, the bible says seventy disciples returned from ministering ...