So let’s talk about condemnation. Number one, it’s a mean trick of the devil. Number two, it’s a self-pronounced sentence of guilt (meaning, it’s fed to you by the devil). And hopefully the obvious number three is (just to be clear), God’s not the author of it. CONVICTION IS HOW GOD CORRECTS US.CONDEMNATION IS HOW THE DEVIL DEFEATS US. To ...
If your car doesn’t have a built-in GPS, your smart phone probably does. It’s your map or guidance system (to keep you on the right course). And now that paper maps are a thing of the past, we need a GPS. Why? Because it’s easy to get lost on our own. In other words, we need directions and help. Life ...
Beautiful GodLaying Your majesty asideYou reached out in love to show me lifeLifted from darkness into lightKing for a slaveTrading Your righteousness for shame These are the opening words of the song, Like An Avalanche by Hillsong United. I am especially touched by the last phrase: Trading Your righteousness for shame. I remember when God first began opening my understanding ...
Easter: a time when Christians everywhere remember, and celebrate, their Savior being raised from the dead. It is through His death, burial, and resurrection, that all our beliefs are based. So appropriately, I want to share with you from Matthew 27:15-26 about the events leading up to Easter and how they impact us. At that time, it was custom for ...
This article first appeared on The Christian Broadcasting Network | “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law” (Deuteronomy 29:29). Responsibility and accountability aren’t the most popular words in our vocabulary, are they? Yet each ...
Who doesn’t need more faith and more power? I think we all do. At any given time, we can face challenges that require us to take a deep breath and face it head-on, or shrink back in fear. Preferably, God wants us to grow in faith and walk in the power and authority He has given us in Christ. And ...
With any kind of sickness (big or small), I always remember my prayer for healing works on this principle: Natural + Supernatural = Work Together Too often, we rely on one or the other (most people leaning only on the natural). But as Christians, you and I are spirit beings living in a physical body. We are filled with the ...
Ok, I’m going to push you a little today… But hear me out before you form an opinion. The devil has deceived some people into believing that “working” your faith is just that… work. And this kind of thinking opens the door to the enemy for condemnation and frustration when what they’re believing for isn’t coming to pass. So the ...
This article first appeared on The Christian Broadcasting Network | One of the positives that hopefully came out of the 2020 quarantine is that we finally had no excuse for not tackling those little projects around the house we’d been putting off. One of mine was my closet. To paint a good picture for you, it wasn’t a total mess. ...
I saw a post from a friend the other day that said something like, “I’m not motivated to drive my numbers up. I’m motivated to get my message out.” This reminded me of something I’ve been rolling around in my heart for several months now. In the Book of Revelation, Jesus said to the loveless church, “I know your works, ...