This article first appeared on The Inspired Woman Blog | Jesus gave us a command that had such power He immediately had to follow it with a warning. The command was: “…that you love one another” (John 15:17). Sounds simple enough, but it’s the most powerful instruction any of us could follow. It takes greater strength and self-discipline to love than it does to ...
“God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” (Numbers 23:19). I’ve looked at this scripture many times before. But recently, I considered it and thought about all the other scriptures this ...
I want to keep it simple today and show you how to meditate on God’s Word. Instead of reading scripture for memorization, why not read it for saturation? What I mean is, really meditate on each word in the sentence by giving it added emphasis. Let me show you: “And we have such trust through Christ toward God” (2 Corinthians ...
Every word in scripture expresses the thoughts of God, while at the same time, paints a vivid picture to help us see things from His perspective. And for this reason, we should pay attention to God’s choice of words and the sequence in which they are laid out. For example, I’m intrigued by Peter’s inspired writings in his second letter. ...
This article first appeared on The Christian Broadcasting Network | When my husband and our family moved to the little town of Seminole, Texas (population 6,000) in 1999, we had no idea what all God had planned for us as pastors of a small church, but we decided early that God could do BIG things in small places. Over the ...
This article first appeared on The Inspired Woman Blog | Covid-19 caused a lot of uneasiness in our world. My parents are in their seventies, and I asked them if they had ever seen a quarantine like that, and of course they answered no, never. There were so many unprecedented things going on, it was hard to know what to ...
A woman walks into a party, already a bit nervous for no reason other than insecurity. Within a few seconds inside, she observes a small group whispering across the room. One glances her way and then turns back to the others with more whispers. She wants to leave. “They don’t like me. I knew this was a mistake to come…,” ...
There’s a story in the Bible of a man named Simeon who waited in faith for the promise from God to see the Messiah before he died. The scriptures don’t tell us much about Simeon’s journey of faith before this moment in the temple. But what we do know is he was a “righteous and devout man [cautiously and carefully observing ...