Who doesn’t like to get gifts? I have occasionally been the person who has had a hard time receiving gifts, but that’s not to say I don’t like getting them. What I mean is, we often feel undeserving. But it’s fun to open presents, no matter who (or what age) we are. And this is what makes Ephesians 4:7-8 so exciting! “But ...
Have you ever been surprised by sudden emotion? I mean, really surprised? Like, where did that come from? I have, and I’ve discovered some of the reason why we, as Christians, are overtaken with surprise emotions on occasion. Before I explain, let me clarify that I’m not referring to sudden outbursts of wrath or hysterics–or anything remotely resembling a lack of ...
You know the scripture. We all know it… and quote it. “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness…” (2 Corinthians 12:9). And I’m grateful for this truth. Especially after a recent eye-opening revelation. I had to make a difficult phone call to step down from volunteering from something in our community. And honestly, I ...
This was a question I received recently. Without knowing anything else, the question alone broke my heart because I was reminded how I once felt when I believed the same thing. I was young in my faith (but old enough to have extreme guilt) when God rescued me from the heavy weight that daily rested upon my heart. I didn’t ...
I was born on February 13, 1969 — so if you do the math, this is the big 5-0, a birthday most would dread. I’ve chosen to embrace it. As a friend of mine said, wisdom and revelation come with age; so, why wouldn’t we be excited to learn more about God and grow closer to Him every year? I ...
Why is it that no matter how much we learn about God’s love for us, we struggle with our identity? Because who we are in Christ is the very target the enemy wants to muffle, disable, take-out, or at the least, wound. Every time I think about our enemy, the devil, I can’t help but picture an army at war. ...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 It’s good to put ourselves in remembrance that we are not alone. And specifically, we’ve been reminded that because God has chosen our hearts to be His home on this earth, we need to always be more God-Inside-Minded. So why is He with us? Well, besides the fact that He loves us ...
In Part One, we said, “Our lives aren’t small, but we might be living small.” In other words, Christ isn’t small. On the contrary, He is magnificent! And surprisingly, He chose to make our hearts His home. So what does this say about us? Concerning this very thing, Paul tried his best to shake the Corinthians into thinking and seeing ...
“…and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us” (Matthew 1:23). God with us. What an amazing revelation! With all the paintings and descriptions of God on His throne, we tend to have an image of God as someone far up and far off. The Bible describes Him as the “King of Glory” because His dwelling ...
It’s hard to believe we’re approaching the gift-giving season already –but then again, between family birthdays, baby showers, and weddings, is it ever not the gift-giving season? More specifically, as Christians in tune with the Holy Spirt, it’s ALWAYS the gift-giving season! But don’t get weary with that thought, it’s actually really cool how the nature of God is to ...