If we’ll listen, the Holy Spirit has all kinds of ways of speaking to us. And probably one of the most powerful is a song. I remember standing in the dim room, the only light peeking over the top of the curtains. My two youngest children were asleep on pallets on the hotel floor. It was a Monday– a day on which I always ...
I had a hunch God was about to do something different– about to take me in a new direction. Many years ago, while my husband Tod was finishing Bible school, I joined Mary Kay Cosmetics. I wanted to have another baby, while also desiring to be a stay-at-home mom. Their business plan was intriguing, and right away God confirmed this ...
Purpose, destiny, whatever you want to call it, we all have one. But what most people don’t realize is that we play a bigger role in that than we realize. Psalm 119:109 says, “My life is continually in my hand, yet I do not forget Your law.” Other translations read: “I always take my life into my own hands, but I ...
One of the sweetest things I’ve ever learned about the Lord is that He heard every silent whisper of my heart, long before I had the courage to say anything out loud. Specifically, He heard my sorries. I so desperately wanted to please Him, and I had always been a person that wanted the approval of others, so every time I ...
I was given a new Bible translation by a sweet lady at a women’s conference this past year. It’s called The Voice and it’s published by Thomas Nelson. I’ve decided it’s going to be my go-to in the new year to pull out different aspects of scripture and help me think deeper. And today, I already found one I want ...
I’m a curious kind of person, meaning I want to know how things tick. This can be a good quality unless I’m picking apart myself, which I’ve been guilty of on many occasions. For example, I’ve questioned my own faith at times because of comparison to others who seem to have more faith than I do. But here’s what I’ve ...
Christmas is here! We’ve shopped, listened to our merry playlists (some of us long before December), and celebrated with friends and family. It truly is a beautiful time of the year. But in the poetic words of Howard Thurman: When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are ...
It can be super chilly here in West Texas– but with no moisture, so no snow or ice, just very cold temperatures. As I left my house yesterday, my car in the garage said the temperature was 44 degrees (which I knew was not the outdoor temp). As I drove the 3 or 4 miles to one of our campuses ...
Recently at church, during our meet & greet time, one of our members introduced me to someone she had brought with her. The lady was very sweet but laughed as she told me she was made to come! She then added that she was glad too. I commented back that sometimes we have to literally pick people up and not give them a ...
Has someone ever said to you, “I know what you’re thinking…” Husbands and wives do this all the time. And to some extent, they’re telling the truth. They’ve lived together so long, they have a pretty good idea what’s running through the other’s head. Twins are said to have a similar connection also. They can finish each other’s sentences, or ...