This is a question I’ve asked myself before. When life has extra projects going on, it can be a game-changer. But if you’ll pause and pay attention, I guarantee you’ll sense the grace and peace of God all around you. Instead of being stressed, you can look forward to tackling your projects. But be careful… busy seasons can change some otherwise ...

I hope the title caught your attention! It did mine. I was recently meditating on Philippians 3 where Paul talks about counting everything as loss “for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:8). And as I usually do, I read these passages in the Amplified, the Message, the New Living, and then opened the Passion Translation. I ...

Let’s talk about fruit. Can you imagine, if you were a fruit tree, what it must feel like to have your branches trimmed back or cut off altogether? Doesn’t sound like fun. But wait… the Bible says God’s children are designed to bear fruit, which means we can relate. But this also means when our branches aren’t producing as they should, the ...

Do you have things in your life that were once exciting that now feel like a chore? Maybe it’s your job, or your studies, or (God forbid) your marriage. My point is, we should never be led by how we “feel.” I’ve wrestled with weariness myself, but I have to remember my flesh is simply being tested. Why else do ...

There’s an old song that rises up in my heart occasionally. The lyrics start out like this: Who is like You, Lord in all the earth?Matchless love and beauty, endless worthNothing in this world can satisfyJesus, You’re the cup that won’t run dryYour presence is heaven to me It reminds me of the model prayer Jesus gave to His disciples. ...

Years ago, my husband and I decided to paint the trim of our house one summer. We only had one ladder so I had the bright idea that an old milk crate, turned upside-down, would be a perfect pedestal for me to stand on to reach the under-hangs of our house. And it worked for a little while, until I ...

Reading this quote by Charles Spurgeon always impacts my heart because of how true it is– no matter how long you’ve walked with the Lord, it’s so easy to lean on the flesh from time to time ((as if the flesh saved us in the first place). Paul said it this way in his letter to the Galatians: “How foolish ...

The Bible says, “The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe” (Proverbs 29:25). The word strategy describes a plan, method, or series of maneuvers for obtaining a specific goal or result. It’s also a military term defining the war techniques in planning and directing large operations. Now, understand this: God is NOT behind the ...

This article first appeared on The Christian Broadcasting Network | It was an utter failure — a sin that couldn’t have been predetermined, something he didn’t know he was even capable of doing. And afterward, the realization of his failure brought instant regret and bitter tears, but he couldn’t take it back. It was done and now it seemed he ...

“And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all” (Acts 4:33). Great grace. Who doesn’t need more of that? One translation of this verse says “mega-grace.” Now that’s a lot of grace and help! But how does one access this kind of grace? First, let’s define what ...

My grandson recently walked through my home and said, “Mami, I counted your birds and you have fifty-four!” I laughed and thought, that’s all? I don’t know when I started collecting birds. It’s really not as overkill as it may sound coming from an eight year old but I do like birds. There’s something innocent and peaceful about them. And ...

There is one thing that all people (regardless of race, age, gender, or even religious belief) have in common–and that is desire. What I mean is, every person has something they really want. Of course, motive is something entirely different… but let’s assume we’re talking about genuine desires like a child wanting a bike for his birthday, or a young ...

Am I? I had to ask God, “Am I a hypocrite?” This isn’t a question we should be afraid of although Jesus was quite stern when He said: “You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you:‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.Their worship of me is pointless, because their teachings are ...

Let me begin by saying, although I’ve never felt called to be in the military, I’m extremely grateful for the men and women who have taken on that responsibility for us all. One thing I know for sure is, I’d be a sad candidate for boot camp! But then again, I’ve learned a few things in the spirit that may ...

Jesus spoke in parables. God spoke through stories. The point was to illustrate a truth. Stories and parables paint a picture of a principle. And as I was reading through Haggai this week, I saw an amazing illustration of our righteousness in Christ. To set it up, the Book of Haggai revolves around God’s command to rebuild His house. The ...

Warning: I’m about to rant… I saw a sign in front of a church that said, “God will not give you more than you can handle.” Now where is that scripture? Because the implication is if you’re sick, broke, or overwhelmed, God is the one who gave it to you, but don’t worry, He knows how much you can take… ...

Do you know anyone who’s ever said (and meant it): “I have arrived” (?) I’m not talking about getting off the plane in the Caribbean for vacation, or teasingly showing up at the parent’s house for the holidays. I mean, I have personally never met anyone who legitimately thinks they’ve arrived IN LIFE. Most would agree life is a journey, ...

You’ve heard it. You can quote it. “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” Jesus said this several times as He ministered to the multitudes regarding the truths of God’s Kingdom. And now, over 2,000 years later, the question remains: Can you hear me now? (This is my modern version of what Jesus was saying.) But hear what? ...