After sharing my heart with my husband, he asked me, “Why do you keep wrestling with that? Why are you always back and forth?” Good question. I was sharing with him about my dreams– specifically about how I could see them like a distant shore. The problem was I was on this side of a great gulf and my dreams ...

With flashlight in hand, I carefully made my way down the uneven dirt path. As I walked, I prayed. I poured my heart out to God in the stillness of the night. It was cold, yet my heart was warmed by His abiding presence. “O God, you have placed a dream in my heart that I cannot run from…” As ...

How many of you have been excited about a dream …only to have life happen? I mean, the wheels were turning, your heart was beating wildly with anticipation, and the vision was coming in faster than you could write it down –and then one day, you found yourself wondering what happened? I think this scenario is pretty relatable to most ...