“I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightening.” –Jesus If you ever wondered if Jesus had a sense of humor, here it is. The Bible says Jesus “appointed seventy-two others, and sent them ahead of Him in pairs to every town and place where He Himself was about to go” (Luke 10:1). When they returned, they were excited and full ...

As I sat and listened to my husband preach this weekend, I took notes like usual. But mid sentence of writing down “Do you realize…” the Holy Spirit finished the sentence differently than what I was hearing with my natural ears. I wrote: Do you realize eternity will tell us the rest of the story? I have to put this ...

Like most people, Christmas isn’t foreign to me. We’ve celebrated it in our home ever since I can remember. And that’s a funny thing to consider when I think about it– simply because I didn’t get saved until I was 21 years old. Yet, I celebrated Jesus every year in December before salvation. I had to look it up (that’s ...

This article first appeared on The Christian Broadcasting Network | Have you ever had the thought, “What’s the point?” “What am I doing here?” “Is what I’m doing even making a difference?” I have to imagine you said yes. Who hasn’t wrestled with those thoughts? We can look back in time and find such questions being asked over two thousand ...