This article first appeared on The Christian Broadcasting Network Funny story: my stepdad doesn’t like tomatoes but he planted 120 tomato plants this year. He’s not a farmer. He’s a retired plumber. He doesn’t grow anything else but tomatoes. Why? First because his wife loved them and ate at least 2 a day before she passed away. But secondly, because ...

Victor Hugo said, “You can give without loving, but you can never LOVE without giving.” Isn’t this so true? Giving can come in all forms: out of obligation, required (like a staff party), out of guilt, etc., so love isn’t always the motivator to giving (in other words, you can give without loving). But… you can never LOVE without giving. ...

We know “God is love” (1 John 4:8). Yet, I meet Christians every day who seem to think God is only about the do’s and don’ts of His Word–and they totally miss that any suggestion or command He may have for us was birthed out of His character of love. I was thinking about this for two reasons: I heard ...