There are certain phrases so common that almost anyone could fill-in-the-blank. For example, if I said, “If you can’t say anything nice…” you could finish that sentence with “…don’t say anything at all.” Or how about: “A picture is worth… a thousand words” or “Better late than… never.” I was thinking about this because when my heart whispers, “Bless the ...

It’s hard to say what a proper response to God is, meaning, it’s difficult to define because it has to be authentic. For sure, I think it’s safe to say those who approach God must have faith. “For without faith, it is impossible to please Him…” (Hebrews 11:6). This is definitely a necessary ingredient no matter what posture we take ...

I was born on February 13, 1969 — so if you do the math, this is the big 5-0, a birthday most would dread. I’ve chosen to embrace it. As a friend of mine said, wisdom and revelation come with age; so, why wouldn’t we be excited to learn more about God and grow closer to Him every year? I ...