This article first appeared on The Christian Broadcasting Network Can you judge a book by its cover? I’m an author so I understand the necessity of a great book title, graphics, and description, long before anyone actually opens the book. So, for this reason I know there are probably hundreds upon hundreds of amazing books that get overlooked simply because ...

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 It’s good to put ourselves in remembrance that we are not alone. And specifically, we’ve been reminded that because God has chosen our hearts to be His home on this earth, we need to always be more God-Inside-Minded. So why is He with us? Well, besides the fact that He loves us ...

In Part One, we said, “Our lives aren’t small, but we might be living small.” In other words, Christ isn’t small. On the contrary, He is magnificent! And surprisingly, He chose to make our hearts His home. So what does this say about us? Concerning this very thing, Paul tried his best to shake the Corinthians into thinking and seeing ...

“…and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us” (Matthew 1:23). God with us.  What an amazing revelation!  With all the paintings and descriptions of God on His throne, we tend to have an image of God as someone far up and far off. The Bible describes Him as the “King of Glory” because His dwelling ...