This is a good question: what are you called to do? I imagine you have probably asked yourself this more than once– whether it was in high school before graduating and figuring out the next steps of your life, or the million times since then (like me), just because you want to make sure you are in the will of ...
I’m pretty sure 2025 was a futuristic date in the Jetson’s cartoon when I was little. Or at least it was way out there from my little vantage point in the seventies and eighties. Yet here we are. And ready or not, here we go! As the Apostle Paul said, “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself to have ...
When I say the word dimensions, what do you think of? Without looking it up, my first thought was a memory of my grandmother measuring out a pattern for a new sewing project. And then I thought about needing a new podcast desk in my office and how I had to measure the space to make sure I bought one ...
The most powerful two-word combination ever is the phrase: In Christ. When the word Christ is mentioned, we should automatically think of Jesus. But when we hear or read the phrase In Christ, it’s always a reference to born-again believers– a reference to who we are as Christians. And interestingly, it is who we are whether we know it or ...
We once had to remove some trees on our property. One in particular was on our back porch, and although it was beautiful in its own right, it dropped no less than a million acorns, leaves, and bird-droppings year-round. It made it difficult for us to enjoy that space so my husband decided to remove the circle of bricks and ...
“But you, dear friends, remember what was predicted by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They told you, ‘In the end time there will be scoffers living according to their own ungodly desires.’ These people create divisions and are worldly, not having the Spirit” (Jude 1:17-19). There has been a lot of offense and controversy this week over some ...
Mission trips are eye-opening for many reasons, but one bonus is there’s usually extra time to reflect. One reason being, if you don’t speak the language there is often more opportunity to just be quiet and observe. I’ve always had wonderful hosts that translate and interpret for me on the mission field, and we have many encouraging conversations in English ...
While on a shopping spree before Christmas, I went to Kohl’s department store to look for one item, but came out with ten or more gifts marked off my list. Besides being excited about that, I was also delighted when the cashier gave me a coupon good for $50 in free merchandise I could redeem later. I’ve received “Kohl’s cash” ...
“I was not disobedient to the vision…” (Acts 26:19). After giving his testimony, this is the conclusion of Paul’s defense and explanation to King Agrippa. And I can’t help but see the importance of this statement. Two scenarios come to mind: One, what if Paul had not obeyed what Jesus told him to do? We wouldn’t have the Bible in the full ...
“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us” (2 Corinthians 4:7). At first glance, this verse is exciting— I remember when I first had revelation of what it meant to have “this treasure” within us. I was thrilled at the thought of “Christ in me, the ...
Do you ever think about being in the will of God? I can’t be the only one. I assume most would answer yes to that question. It’s something I think about pretty often actually. And when I do, Romans 12:2 comes to mind: “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind ...
May our lives startle hell and bless humanity! This is what came to mind as I had some quiet time this morning. It’s partially a quote by E.W. Kenyon who said, “Righteousness made Jesus absolute master of every situation. If the believer knew that he was the Righteousness of God as Jesus knew He was, he would use the Name ...
After sharing my heart with my husband, he asked me, “Why do you keep wrestling with that? Why are you always back and forth?” Good question. I was sharing with him about my dreams– specifically about how I could see them like a distant shore. The problem was I was on this side of a great gulf and my dreams ...
Like most people, Christmas isn’t foreign to me. We’ve celebrated it in our home ever since I can remember. And that’s a funny thing to consider when I think about it– simply because I didn’t get saved until I was 21 years old. Yet, I celebrated Jesus every year in December before salvation. I had to look it up (that’s ...
What is it about putting up a few twinkle lights and decorations that make us breathe a little slower and smile a little more? I remember growing up and driving to my grandma’s house. She had been a widow my entire life. She lived simply but her house was full of love (and good food). Going to grandma’s house was ...
This article first appeared on The Christian Broadcasting Network | Have you ever had the thought, “What’s the point?” “What am I doing here?” “Is what I’m doing even making a difference?” I have to imagine you said yes. Who hasn’t wrestled with those thoughts? We can look back in time and find such questions being asked over two thousand ...
With flashlight in hand, I carefully made my way down the uneven dirt path. As I walked, I prayed. I poured my heart out to God in the stillness of the night. It was cold, yet my heart was warmed by His abiding presence. “O God, you have placed a dream in my heart that I cannot run from…” As ...
“But I tell you truly, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:27). The first time I studied this, I thought “What did Jesus mean? His disciples died a long time ago and we are still waiting to see the kingdom of God (right?)” Not quite. I lacked revelation. ...