While I was praying recently, this phrase came up in my spirit: “Learn from the Sunflower.” I thought hmmm, so I looked up more information and was surprised to discover a couple of interesting facts. For starters, the sunflower doesn’t actually follow the sun from morning till night like I had always thought. Instead, it sets it’s leaves to receive the sun in the East ...
Every word in scripture expresses the thoughts of God, while at the same time, paints a vivid picture to help us see things from His perspective. And for this reason, we should pay attention to God’s choice of words and the sequence in which they are laid out. For example, I’m intrigued by Peter’s inspired writings in his second letter. ...
Keeping it simple today with a list that will keep us busy for some time. Sometimes we make things harder than they have to be. God’s Word should always be viewed as something for our good — not as a list of do’s and don’ts, but as a list of successful strategies — from the One who knows best. With ...
“An enemy has done this…” Have you ever had a thought like that? Suddenly facing a trial you weren’t expecting, getting a bad report out of the blue, hearing news that was unsettling — as a Christian, your immediate thought should be: “This isn’t God. The enemy is behind this.” Jesus actually said this to his disciples in a parable: ...
This article first appeared on The Inspired Woman blog | by Daphne Delay It’s already a cliche I know — vision in 2020. But let’s run with it, shall we? It’s the end of December, the end of a year, the end of a decade. It’s also the beginning of a new year, and a new decade. And it happens ...
The Bible speaks of the crown of righteousness, the crown of life, the crown of glory, the crown of joy, and of course, there’s the incorruptible crown — all mentioned in scripture as facets of the believer’s life in Christ. Have you ever given much thought to a crown? I have, for the simple reason it’s what my name represents. Daphne means ...
We know “God is love” (1 John 4:8). Yet, I meet Christians every day who seem to think God is only about the do’s and don’ts of His Word–and they totally miss that any suggestion or command He may have for us was birthed out of His character of love. I was thinking about this for two reasons: I heard ...
I recently had a conversation with a gentleman who was a having a real issue with the tradition of celebrating Christmas and Easter. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe Jesus was born or that He was raised from the dead. This man just struggled with the tradition of celebrating them on particular dates of the year. He said, “We don’t ...
This article first appeared on The Christian Broadcasting Network | My son is an associate pastor at our church. Recently, while my husband and I were traveling to some special meetings, he ministered a message entitled, “Is God Enough?” By the title, most would think he planned on preaching a message on faith in God— the One who is more ...
Here’s something we know all too well: “For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish” (Galatians 3:17). Do you understand what this means? The Message Translations says, “For there is a root of sinful self-interest in us ...
I recently tweeted: The inevitable cycle (good or bad): We make choices. Our choices make us. When you wake in the morning, you make a choice: get up or stay in bed a little longer? When you make that choice, then another choice must be made… then the next… and so on. All day, every day– our lives are a ...
A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a word that made me take a second look. The word was mundane. I figured it meant ordinary, routine, blah, or ho-hum. And these are correct synonyms (words that mean the same). But actually, Webster’s defines mundane as “of or pertaining to this world or earth as contrasted with heaven.” Really? This is ...
In 2006, Steve Wynn, an art collector and real estate developer from Las Vegas, put his elbow through an expensive Picasso he owned, while showing it to friends. According to NPR, the painting was scheduled to be sold within days of the damage for $139 million to his friend Steve Cohen. A restorer said the painting would only be worth $85 ...
How many of you have been excited about a dream …only to have life happen? I mean, the wheels were turning, your heart was beating wildly with anticipation, and the vision was coming in faster than you could write it down –and then one day, you found yourself wondering what happened? I think this scenario is pretty relatable to most ...
Although we should never lose sight of what Jesus has done for us, we are reminded this time of year as we approach Easter, of the sacrifice He paid so we could have eternal life with God. So I wonder if you’ve ever thought about this: Do you see Jesus as a martyr or substitute? A martyr is one who willingly ...
Recently, while ministering in a women’s prison, I shared with them my struggles, but I also told them about God’s deliverance. I confessed my distresses, but I also testified of my victories in Christ. Afterward, a tough, young inmate came to my prayer line. She confessed that she had come that night only to stir up trouble. But then she ...
It’s hard to believe we’re approaching the gift-giving season already –but then again, between family birthdays, baby showers, and weddings, is it ever not the gift-giving season? More specifically, as Christians in tune with the Holy Spirt, it’s ALWAYS the gift-giving season! But don’t get weary with that thought, it’s actually really cool how the nature of God is to ...
“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:57-58). Can we stress this part again: “…knowing that our labor is not in vain in the Lord.” ...