Have I told you I love playing cards? Any kind– just teach me, and I’m in. Years ago, my mom taught me how to play Spades. Without going into all the rules, you just need to know that any card with a Spade is wild, meaning it trumps all other cards. For example, a 2 of Spades is of greater ...

This was a question I received recently. Without knowing anything else, the question alone broke my heart because I was reminded how I once felt when I believed the same thing. I was young in my faith (but old enough to have extreme guilt) when God rescued me from the heavy weight that daily rested upon my heart. I didn’t ...

This article first appeared on The Christian Broadcasting Network | The Mighty Angel with the Little Book” — that’s the subtitle in my Bible in Revelation, chapter 10. It’s catchy enough to be a movie title but it’s not fictitious. It’s prophecy.  John saw what he described as an “extremely powerful angel coming out of heaven, robed in a cloud. There ...

Throughout God’s Word, we find natural examples to help us understand spiritual principles. One such example is found in Hebrews, Chapter Six. The Bible says if the earth drinks in the rain and then produces a good crop or healthy plants or trees, then it is blessed. But if the earth drinks in the rain and produces weeds, thorns, and thistles, ...

I think a lot about the tug-of-war between our spirit and our soul. The Bible helps us understand that humans are made up of 3 major parts: body, soul, and spirit. Much like an egg that has a shell, a yolk, and egg white, each part is individual yet together make a whole. Our spirit, soul, and body make up ...

Here’s a quick lesson in reconciling: Most of you have some type of bank account, and every month you receive a statement from the bank showing the pluses and minuses for the month. Now whether you do it or not, the bank sends you that statement so you can reconcile your information with what they have on file. Reconciling is ...

In my humble opinion, I believe there’s an attack on identity like never before. It may be more prominent in the United States, but I believe it’s world-wide. It’s an outright attack on people made in the image of God. For example, June is recognized as PRIDE month. First instituted by President Clinton in 1999 in response to riots in ...

Am I? I had to ask God, “Am I a hypocrite?” This isn’t a question we should be afraid of although Jesus was quite stern when He said: “You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you:‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.Their worship of me is pointless, because their teachings are ...

Warning: I’m about to rant… I saw a sign in front of a church that said, “God will not give you more than you can handle.” Now where is that scripture? Because the implication is if you’re sick, broke, or overwhelmed, God is the one who gave it to you, but don’t worry, He knows how much you can take… ...

Fear has become the great enemy of our generation. I’ve personally dealt with it, seen it first-hand at home with one of my children, and in the many lives of people God brings across my path. And in all honesty, it angers me. Fear can be a debilitating disease, hindering people’s growth and endangering their future. And in the famous ...

Sometimes you have to go back to the beginning. Why am I here? How did I get here? What am I doing? Am I making a difference? These are natural human questions pointed directly toward the only One who can answer them. For some, it leads to salvation. I know it did for me. Or at least the first three ...

The Lord is good and His mercy endures forever. Those are the words that always come out of my mouth… as a whisper, as a praise, as a declaration, as a reminder. I remember when my husband, Tod, was attending Rhema Bible Training College, the founder, Brother Hagin (as we all affectionately called him), would always say these same words. ...

Greetings can tell you a lot about a person. For example, I have a friend who always answers, “How are you?” with “I’m grateful.” Another man, the husband of another close friend, always answers, “Better than most folks.” Both of these people live and share their gratitude daily. I looked it up and was surprised the word grateful isn’t found ...

To be all in is originally a poker term meaning to bet all you have on one hand. But in modern lingo, it can also mean to be totally committed to something. I guess we could use God and Jesus as an example. When it came to saving the world, they were ALL IN. The opposite of all in would ...

Addressing racial injustices, I see two major steps. Racial profiling has to STOP. Pre-judging a person based on the color of their skin has to STOP. I hope to God I’m not addressing Christians here, but sadly these issues were seeded in our country and homes a long time ago and therefore some were raised with prejudices that have never ...

“God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” (Numbers 23:19). I’ve looked at this scripture many times before. But recently, I considered it and thought about all the other scriptures this ...

A woman walks into a party, already a bit nervous for no reason other than insecurity. Within a few seconds inside, she observes a small group whispering across the room. One glances her way and then turns back to the others with more whispers. She wants to leave. “They don’t like me. I knew this was a mistake to come…,” ...

“An enemy has done this…” Have you ever had a thought like that? Suddenly facing a trial you weren’t expecting, getting a bad report out of the blue, hearing news that was unsettling — as a Christian, your immediate thought should be: “This isn’t God. The enemy is behind this.”  Jesus actually said this to his disciples in a parable: ...