I’m still thinking about this (see pt. 1) but from another point of view… As I said before, although I live in the United States, I live in a diverse area where multiple languages are spoken. And now that I think about it, this is probably true for a lot of areas across our nation. I’ve tried to learn Spanish ...

Today, I was thinking about sufferings. For a long time, I resisted teachings that insinuated God causes our sufferings in this life. I only knew Him as a deliverer — at salvation, through a miraculous healing, and in my soul. I didn’t know Him as one that causes pain. And I still don’t. However, we can’t just skip over scriptures ...

To be behind enemy lines is a military term that means you are on their turf, but not on their side. This understanding makes our position as believers in this world very important. In other words, God wants us to help hold ground for the kingdom of Light, even in the midst of dark and trying times. Obviously, the enemy has other ...